Harvard Sunday (July 9)

"The Great Dandini"
(everybody needs to earn a cool nickname!)

You guys will like it up in A class!

(Don't worry Denton, you'll be here soon!)

Hey we need a cool nick name for Denton!

Somebody start a nickname thread for Denton!!![laugh] (I'll work on it too)

A class has been sooo lonely! (since Matt left!)[laugh2]

Let's not forget to welcome "BADTAD"
to A class & his 1st place at Westfield

That's Westfield MA for those out there in the Far EAST! (same State)
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By the way, I gotta tell you guys that everybody at Harvard sincerely appreciates your kind words about the matches. Making it fun for you all is the sole reason for putting in the time and getting aching backs (even for Greg, believe it or not). And your feedback helps to boost crew morale more than you know.

Look for a thread on the July 30th shotgun blast!
I told you guys I was dubbed "Psycho" way back by a gym teacher who liked Steve Lyons the Red Sox player, who is known for all sort of crazy stuff. He played all 9 positions in one game. Maybe if I shoot all 5 or 6 divisions in one match you'll let me keep it. That would be fun, it'll have to be one stage per gun for no score.
For the record, Paul (PMD) should be higher than I was in the overall, possibly Eric B too. There is a scoring glitch for stage 2 in Limited that skewed the overall. The Open division standings are accurate.

Still high C class!
GTOShootr said:
For the record, Paul (PMD) should be higher than I was in the overall, possibly Eric B too. There is a scoring glitch for stage 2 in Limited that skewed the overall. The Open division standings are accurate.

Still high C class!

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