gun and a watch all for the low cost of $10000


What's the distance from the watch at which the gun becomes unusable? I understand the sentiment...but seems a concern could be losing your gun in a struggle and having it pointed right back at you, perhaps +/- 1 Foot away. Would it still fire at that point?

If you've got ten grand to drop on a gun, you should spend 8 of it on proper training, storage and safety materials if you feel you need them that badly.

With a .22, though, this really seems like it might be the 'safest' way to shoot a rat.


Everyone's argument to implement these stupid things are 1.) if you are stripped of your gun in a struggle it can't be used against you and 2.) if you drop it the gun becomes useless. Obviously these people have never been in a physical altercation if they think that their hands/wrists aren't going to be anywhere near the gun you just got ripped off you... and also... depending on what "wireless" means I'm sure it's not impervious to hacking... especially if it's got some kinda of windows interface backing it up [smile]
Just give us a gun where we have to punch in a 18 digit PIN code (including symbols, letters, numbers, and is case sensitive) prior to use.
That should slow down the drive-by's...........

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Really a great thing unless:

1. You have ever had anything that ran on batteries die on you
2. Are one of those few people that take your watch off... Ever.
3. Have never had anything technology related fail on you when you desperately need it.
4. Don't forsee the need of anyone else in your home having access to it.

Other than that: Win!

5. Don't wear watches or jewelery of any kinda ever because you break out in a hash.
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