green... now what?

Buy, buy, buy.


Settings for avatar if you want one.

-Proud to be dad every day, a licensed plumber most days, and wish I was a shoemaker on others.
Escape to NH. Then gloat to MA. members how much better you have it! [rolleyes] [laugh]
Hwo long does it take to be informed that you are " green". I sent in my check three weeks ago?
How do they inform you?
Hwo long does it take to be informed that you are " green". I sent in my check three weeks ago?
How do they inform you?

Look at your user name, and the line under it 'NES Member' is a good indication... Also, having access to the 'members only' section is a good sign... By 'going gree' it's also the color of your user name (when you post)...
I just went green... now what do I do?

Welcome to the green side. Not sure where you are located or if you reload or are in need of ammo, but going to the Members area to see what's located at Wally World and Dicks is worthwhile. I've been able to take advantage and grab some ammo that I would not know was available. There are Karma's and a members only classified that is worthwhile.

You have now paid for the unique ability to ask Flintoid for advice on building your AR.
The Members Forum is well worth the $21. Between the Walmart and Dick's ammo mega threads, Karma and the Members Classifieds you have access to some excellent deals. Welcome, and enjoy!
Well I went green today.

I didn't want to go green until I actually had my LTC, but sadly that isn't the case. Still in process...

I figured I've been lurking long enough and I've seen a lot of good information on here so today is the day.
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