FN-49: My Latest Milsurp


NES Member
Apr 26, 2005
"Live Free or Die" Hampton, NH
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Finally got the old girl cleaned up and presentable. Used my tried and true oven cleaner / BLO / Furniture wax technique, and she's looking good. I paid too much, but what the hell... next thing you know they'll be getting SVT-40 prices for them:




It's a "Frankenfortynine" that was put together by the angry beavers at Century Arms, but it's all mine. Interesting thing about it is the receiver - according to Wayne Johnson's book (excellent!), the Egyptians orders 1500 spare receivers as part of their contract, but never took the order. FN sold them to Century who proceeded to make complete guns out of them. They are identified by the "Eagle of Saladin" crest on the receiver. It may be an assembly of parts (like my CMP Garand and Underwood M-1 Carbine), but it's one of 1500 ever made, so that's cool!

Looks ok to me nice job.

I had a very dirty egyptian 8mm and i used a coarse steelwool and a lot of elbow grease and it revieled an awesome wood grained stock underneath the many coats of bubba's finish. I restained it and put 6 coats of tung oil on her. I have the egyptian, the luxemborg and the venezulain and i'm waiting to find an orginal FN49 argentine in 7,65mm you never know.

These are very expensive right now if you can find one.
Some of the guys at Century are OK, others I wouldn't let assemble a kid's Red Wagon. I've known a couple of them in my time.

Century's shop isn't all that far from me.
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