Finally Some good Press

Good article. I've found that just about everyone I've brought shooting - especially trap shooting - has a great time, gets to see that "gun nuts" are just average folks enjoying a sport (generally speaking), and even if they don't come back, they have plenty of stories to tell.

I hosted a couple of the R&D guys at the trap range a while back. Now they're after me to do it again, with friendly competition tossed in (low score has to wear lab glasses around the plant - everywhere - for a week).

Demystifying shooting is what it's all about.

thanks for posting.
excellent article. props to the columnist.

It's a good group over there at Ipswich F+G. I'm fortunate to have two great clubs 2-3 miles in either direction.
One thing...

"The difference between the pump action and the semi-automatic is that the semi-automatic can hold more shells and you can fire without having to reload after each round."

although that is not true, a pump or semi has nothing to do with capacity....fine, its one of the better articles i read!
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