EMRL - First week

We came up through Boston to get to the match where it was kinda foggy or overcast. By the time we got up onto the firing line it was a little on the cool side and the light was good for shootin'.
I shot on the third morning relay and conditions were great about the time I stepped up and all I really had to contend with was those little bugs flying into my eyes, ears, and down my back.
EMRL- First week

Yeah, instead of WSA.
Different range, all the same familiar faces.

Your right about " Differant Range " it was Differant alright the ground was banked and lumpy, kind of hard to maintain your shooting stance, i spose
thats why the Sheriff shot shi**y or is it cause he stinks anyway i shot
morning 2nd relay for the Haverhill team, we seem to be fighting real hard
to at least tie for last place, but we had better weather than we figured on,
i do miss the nice cement pad to stand on at WSA BUT everyone had a
great day doing what we love to do!!! BLASTING !!

thats my two pennies worth, Take Care Sheriff Dudley
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