Easthampton City Council passes gun safety resolution


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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EASTHAMPTON — Describing the rise of gun violence in the United States as a “national epidemic,” a city councilor introduced a resolution to increase education on gun safety in Easthampton and to encourage federal legislators to enact stronger gun laws.

At the March 3 City Council meeting, the resolution, titled “Resolution for Firearms and Against Gun Violence,” passed unanimously. Mayor Nicole LaChapelle and Police Chief Robert Alberti both expressed support for the resolution before the vote.

Owen Zaret, the councilor who introduced the resolution, said he felt “frustrated and hopeless” in the aftermath of mass shootings in recent years such as shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary, Pulse Night Club, Parkland, Florida, and Tree of Life Synagogue.

“We have to do something to stop these incidents and travesties and murders from happening,” Zaret said at the meeting. “It’s also important to note that advocating for gun safety also protects our law enforcement and they are often times victims of people who are improperly possessing firearms.”

Easthampton City Council passes gun safety resolution
How do they plan on teaching gun safety (link keeps stalling out)?

From the sourcelink:

The resolution requests that LaChapelle join Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a coalition formed by former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Boston mayor Tom Menino; encourages the police department to educate the public about local gun violence patterns and serve as advocates; provide resources to educate the public on responsible gun storage and gun safety protocols; and educate the public on the Extreme Risk Protection Order law which allow family members or law enforcement officials to seek court-ordered surrender of guns from people who have been determined to be dangerous.

LaChapelle stated that she is willing to join the Mayors Against Illegal Guns and said, “It is disheartening that we are in need of such a resolution, but it is one we must have for a grave public health crisis.”
yada yada

The resolution also calls on federal legislators to enact universal background checks on all potential firearms sales throughout the United States; enact measures to prevent “straw purchases” that circumvent background checks; prevent sales to individuals with a history of violent crimes or domestic abuse; vote “no” on concealed carry reciprocity; prohibit the sale of high-capacity magazines and assault weapons; and fund the Center for Disease Control to study the public health impact of gun, and ways to reduce, gun violence.
love how the causes seem to be ignored and they have only one answer, and it's the same answer that does not work.
Maybe the mayor and the city council should all hold hands and close their eyes REALLY tight and wish REALLY hard so the gun fairy will MAGICALLY appear and take ALL the guns away so everyone can live happily ever after!!!
Yay!!! Now lets all have some cake and ice cream!!!
Owen Zaret, the councilor who introduced the resolution, said he felt “frustrated and hopeless” in the aftermath of mass shootings in recent years


At least they aren’t passing crazy rules. I’d rather them spin their wheels on resolutions.
Lets do "something" so we (the city councilors) "feel" safer even though what we propose/pass will do nothing.

Probably will. Some old-timer at my club talked about some dude named "Dapper" O'Neil. He was a Boston city coucilor and one of the well-connected "civilians" to get a. unrestricted LTC in Boston. From what I have heard, he carried a .38 snubnose revolver and actually used it to stop a bad guy.
Probably will. Some old-timer at my club talked about some dude named "Dapper" O'Neil. He was a Boston city coucilor and one of the well-connected "civilians" to get a. unrestricted LTC in Boston. From what I have heard, he carried a .38 snubnose revolver and actually used it to stop a bad guy.
True. He was quite a character and staunch 2A guy. I had a long chat with him at one of the (back then annual) gun hearings at the state house. He asked me about a pin I was wearing and I gave it to him then got another one from GOAL. I had no idea who he was until Nancy Snow (GOAL Chief of Staff) told me. Super nice guy, may he RIP!
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