Democrats Aim To Pass The Most Aggressive Gun-control Legislation

Wow they think they can pass it with just the house?
It's a magic moment when you realize that the people elected don't even know how the system works.

Oh they know, they are banking on using this to shame the republicans into either letting it pass or using it against them next election. "See, we passed the "NECESSARY" "Common sense" gun control and those evil republicans blocked it"
Wow they think they can pass it with just the house?
It's a magic moment when you realize that the people elected don't even know how the system works.
I THINK it needs the President's signature. I think. Not sure at all.

Damn, and I thought they were going to try and pass laws protecting the 2nd amendment and more tax cuts


I've seen this show before, 2 more years of a do nothing congress. At least the repubs held the senate and can get more judges appointed and hopefully another supreme court justice (I don't wish ill will on anyone, hopefully ruthie retires) I'm not worried about the house, I'm worried about Ma trying to one up all the other lib states with more bs laws. Wake me up in 2020, that is if Maura hasn't already taken all my guns and locked me up at that point. Felons can still vote in Ma though right?
Federally this may be a dog-and-pony show but if gun control becomes a real political cause du jour this term there are more than enough state house attention whores like Healey willing to take up the slack at the state level.

NH might be safe but in MA pretty much any regressive bill introduced to prove their bonafides as “sensible” gun control advocates will pass and Faker will sign it into law.

There is no political turn around coming here outside of Supreme Court intervention and we may be running out of time.

...or maybe I am just trying to talk myself into buying another rifle tomorrow [slap]

And with numbers like this, they'll still waste their time...

"Approximately 13 percent of Democrats and 8 per cent of all voters said gun control had the biggest influence on their vote."

Any Republican that sides with the Democrats will be voted out. Ie Scott brown. It's also time to go after your liberal neighbors and kin. Make shit up as they do make their existence as painful as possible

Look at it the other way, there are Dem legislators from red states that could be voted out if they go down this road again, probably
not enough to stop anything from passing in the House, but at least enough to dispel any notions of solidarity.
Got to hand it to the Democrats, when they are in power they push there agenda, right or wrong they move forward on what the base wants.

Republicans, they just look for bipartisan and try to appease the dems and forget who put them there. Up until now, they lost a 1/3 they will be back to running as hard core conservatives.

Only 11% of voters in exit polls said gun control was a top priority. Something like 40% said the economy. They're not doing what their base wants, they're doing what's easy and won't cut into government spending.
My only concern is that the Dems will go to the wall for this, hold everything else until the Senate passes it (and you know they just might as McConnell is in charge) and Trump will then be squarely in the crosshairs - just the way both houses like it.
Wow they think they can pass it with just the house?
It's a magic moment when you realize that the people elected don't even know how the system works.

They think they can have the media, social media, Bloomberg funded AstroTurf & advertising, Soros funded goon squads, gang members & their mirror images in crooked DA's offices and police commissioners comfortable with dereliction of civic duty in deep blue murder mill cities, and whatever online entities are grooming mentally ill people on medications to murder: pull out all the stops to lie, cheat, and bully their way into legislation coming to pass.
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Wow they think they can pass it with just the house?
It's a magic moment when you realize that the people elected don't even know how the system works.

That's not what this is about, but they HOPE, very much so in fact, that your attitude is what the other side has. This is about forcing Senators to take a vote on the issue/law. That vote that will be something they (Demo-nazis) can use to campaign against Republican senators in the future. "You voted to kill children" and all that nonsense.

It's politics 101 with an eye on regaining the Senate in 2020.

Their strategy is pretty basic and very transparent. The best possible outcome is that the bill never sees the floor in the Senate. That's also the most probable outcome. But rest assured that the freedom-hating nazis will time their attack to coincide and ride on the coattails of another nut job abusing said freedom. To try to force the Senate into voting on it.

But don't make the mistake of dismissing their efforts because of the bills very likely demise. Because passing the bill into law isn't even their real intent. Oh sure they would be happy if it did, but that's not the likely outcome and even they know that. It's about politics. It's about posturing for 2020. And it's about keeping the money flowing from Bloomberg, EveryTown, Soros... And for that they have to do something, even if it results in nothing substantial.
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That's not what this is about, but they HOPE, very much so in fact, that your attitude is what the other side has. This is about forcing Senators to take a vote on the issue/law. That vote that will be something they (Demo-nazis) can use to campaign against Republican senators in the future. "You voted to kill children" and all that nonsense.

It's politics 101 with an eye on regaining the Senate in 2020.

Their strategy is pretty basic and very transparent. The best possible outcome is that the bill never sees the floor in the Senate. That's also the most probable outcome. But rest assured that the freedom-hating nazis will time their attack to coincide and ride on the coattails of another nut job abusing said freedom. To try to force the Senate into voting on it.

Mitch won’t let their silly bills anywhere near the floor of the Senate. The average person, those who aren’t as politically involved as many here, see the headlines: “Congress passes Bill XYZ doing this or that”. It dies in the Senate. Joe Average never hears/understands that part and assumes another piece of useless legislation passed that changed nothing. How many times did idiot House Republicans ceremoniously repeal Obamacare knowing full well it wouldn’t go anywhere in the Senate or that Obama would veto it? What happened when they did gain power? Let Dems try AWB2.0, particularly something along the lines of banning all semi auto rifles like the WA State bill, Republicans will win back majorities in both houses plus the White House.
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