Classified threads disappearing? Mod help please.

Jul 16, 2020
Feedback: 12 / 0 / 0
I had a Benchmade CLA in the classifieds that sold today. As it is sold, I marked it "sold"-I didn't change the title to say delete. I don't do that until after feedback has been left.

The problem with this is I just shipped it today and the buyer hasn't received it. With the deleted ad, the buyer can't compare the pics/description I posted with the item he received. Furthermore, neither the seller nor the buyer can link to the thread when providing feedback. Obviously the former is more of a big deal than the latter.

That thread has now disappeared and without a notification as to which mod deleted it, I have no idea who to PM so as to ask for that thread to be restored. Or just plain ask what the heck happened. I understand that the mods are unpaid volunteers, but issues like this when money is exchanging hands can be a problem.

*and for the record, the buyer will be satisfied with the item I described, sold, and shipped insured, but what if he wasn't

OK--re-read the "rules", so disregard the above other than my point about the buyer not being able to compare the pictures. Also, considering an SPF ad a completed sale is a bit of a stretch.

Let us know you sold it by editing the post:

Click on the "Edit" button, then click the "Go Advanced" button. Replace the thread's title with "Sold", "Traded" or "Bought", "Delete", etc, then add a new post to bump the ad to the top. The mods can't read every post of every classified. By modifying the title and bumping it, you will help us more easily identify threads that need to be removed.

Posts marked 'Sold Pending Funds' or SPF will be considered a completed transaction.

NOTE: Completed transactions will be deleted. You should save a copy of your ad prior to marking it "sold" in case you need to re-list it.

In my eyes integrity and completion of the deal requires that the ad stays up until after the buyer recieves the item. Obviously no mod team will know when that is, but uneven and random deleting of ads on the first page marked sold, but not marked sold delete probably misses the mark a bit.
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I like it. [rofl2]

Especially since my other tabs on this browser are currently scrolling through Realtor, Redfin, and NEREN listings.[banghead]
If someone marks something as SOLD, SPF, Sold Pending Funds, DELETE, REMOVE, etc., someone is going to delete it.
If you want the ad to remain in place, don't do anything to it.
IMO marking something SPF will discourage a secondary buyer(s) from contacting you. Then if the first one falls thru, you have to go back and change the ad rather than just follow up with a second interested party. Just mark it sold when it actually sells.
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