Camp Perry registration


NES Member
May 6, 2005
Feedback: 19 / 0 / 0
Just in case everybody is as forgetful as I am, remember to register! Don't know what I was waiting for.

I know I'll see there:

Who else?
jasons is riding out with me. come visit. we're arriving friday morning...jason's doing SAFS, so i have 3 days to lay around and vegetate. already got the mini-fridge....all that's left is a packable BBQ and i'm golden (only 2 of us in our hut, nice and roomy). I had considered registering for SAFS and shooting the "cheater" leg, but as of this afternoon, I can't anymore :)... LEG today, Jimmy Clark took 1st cut and got his last 2 points, and despite my absolutely abysmal 600yd strings, i took the 2nd my first 6! :D
Congratulations! I think we all knew it was just a matter of time. All good shooters can earn points once they get their head out of (or into) the game. I bet you get get 10 at perry.
I'll make sure to look you guys up. Small group travelling from Maine this year~ just me and SSGT Bartman. We're staying in Port Clinton.
Us Nashua guys have turned over a new leaf.
We no longer partake in alcohol while at Camp Perry but if you (or anyone) would like to stop in for Bible study or prayer services we'll be easy to find.... :)
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Us Nashua guys have turned over a new leaf.
We no longer partake in alcohol while at Camp Perry but if you (or anyone) would like to stop in for Bible study or prayer services we'll be easy to find.... :)
Well, if you'd consider some poetry reading, maybe..
Us Nashua guys have turned over a new leaf.
We no longer partake in alcohol while at Camp Perry but if you (or anyone) would like to stop in for Bible study or prayer services we'll be easy to find.... :)

Will you be offering communion?
Us Nashua guys have turned over a new leaf.
We no longer partake in alcohol while at Camp Perry but if you (or anyone) would like to stop in for Bible study or prayer services we'll be easy to find.... :)

perhaps, although no one said we can't still partake in the sacramental wine ;)
Well, looks like I'm going to be heading out there without complete confidence in my rifle. Exactly where I don't want to be at this juncture.
My #1 upper has about 2500 rds on a WOA barrel. That's getting up around my discomfort level, so I put a new DPMS 1-8 barrel on my #2 upper (had a Bushy 1-8 with unknown rd count; it never shot the way I wanted it to). I've shot three matches with it and just won't shoot well at 600yds. Actually, I mean it shoots like crap at 600yds, as in 89-92 averages. It will clean everything up to that point, but falls apart at 600.
I took the handguards back off after the first match and found the float tube was flopping around like a dick in a shirtsleeve. Took that apart and it looks like the threads were stripped on the tube. I hosed it down with red locktite and that seemed to stiffen it up, but it still won't shoot well at 600 with either my standard 80 or 77 gr loads. I can go two or three X's in a row, then it will throw a 6 or 7 way out. I just can't take it out to Ohio, so now I'm back to my 2500-rd-ct barrel which may or may not shoot the way i want.
Just great.
Midway has stainless Krieger & Satern barrels in stock. You won't be able to spend anything at commercial row after you pay for it though.

Pat, 2500 rounds through a decent barrel should still shoot OK at 6 unless the throat is completely burned off.
Pat: my #2 upper (also a WOA/wilson) has 2500ish on it, and is still hammering...if it comes down to it and you need a rifle, lemme know and you're welcome to it.

Now I feel ready for Perry. I ended our season @ Reading on a high note. Won the LEG match today (484x10), took a gold, and 8 points :). SUPER freakin happy that Ive finally got my stuff worked out @ 600 (shot a 195x4 today, whereas for the last 6 weeks, i havent broken out past a 188)
Pat: my #2 upper (also a WOA/wilson) has 2500ish on it, and is still hammering...if it comes down to it and you need a rifle, lemme know and you're welcome to it.

Now I feel ready for Perry. I ended our season @ Reading on a high note. Won the LEG match today (484x10), took a gold, and 8 points :). SUPER freakin happy that Ive finally got my stuff worked out @ 600 (shot a 195x4 today, whereas for the last 6 weeks, i havent broken out past a 188)

Congrats again Jeff.
Congrats again Jeff.

Thanks Dan! Hey you'll be there soon too! All it takes is the desire to excel!

I started last year really (I shot 1 match in 2009, just enough to get my feet wet)....started 2010 with a Marksman card, and decided to put my mind to it, and finished 2010 with a Master card (and no points haha!)

You've got the willingness to listen and learn, and take direction well. a few thousand rounds later, you'll realize that things come together in steps...and you'll see your scores start climbing!
Thanks Dan! Hey you'll be there soon too! All it takes is the desire to excel!

I started last year really (I shot 1 match in 2009, just enough to get my feet wet)....started 2010 with a Marksman card, and decided to put my mind to it, and finished 2010 with a Master card (and no points haha!)

You've got the willingness to listen and learn, and take direction well. a few thousand rounds later, you'll realize that things come together in steps...and you'll see your scores start climbing!

Thanks, and I appreciated your willingness to help! I will take you up on your offer for some practice coaching after i get a few family issues sorted out...... it will be a few weeks before I can get away to shoot again [sad2]

go kick ass at perry!
Pat, 2500 rounds through a decent barrel should still shoot OK at 6 unless the throat is completely burned off.
My last Wilson barrel went about that long when it started to throw fliers. I've shot a couple of 197-something x with it this year, so it's probably fine. I just don't like that nagging in the back of my mind.
My last Wilson barrel went about that long when it started to throw fliers. I've shot a couple of 197-something x with it this year, so it's probably fine. I just don't like that nagging in the back of my mind.

exactly. "around there"

you've gotta fire...what...110 rounds to get you through the hearst doubles? 160 to finish off the NTT? you'll be fine. oil it up and just shoot.
Now I feel ready for Perry. I ended our season @ Reading on a high note. Won the LEG match today (484x10), took a gold, and 8 points :). SUPER freakin happy that Ive finally got my stuff worked out @ 600 (shot a 195x4 today, whereas for the last 6 weeks, i havent broken out past a 188)

Congradz Jeff.... Great Score! I bet you get 10 more at Perry....

By "Winning the Match" Did you also beat Duane, Mikey, Dave, JohnP. etc today ????

Were there 2 cuts?
If yes, who took the 2nd cut?
Not 100% sure of where everyone else placed. i know i took gold / 1st cut with a 484x10, mikey took silver w/ a 482x10 or 11, and Robert Schleicher (spelling?) took the second leg with a 477x12 or so. i didnt really get to see the cards, so i only heard what mr dunn announced at the end. i think mikey was more excited for me than i was lol
Two personal bests for me this weekend; Best 80 rounder with 742-16 on Saturday and best leg with 460-7 on Sunday. Really looking forward to Perry.

Congrats again Jeff. I told you you had this one. [grin]
Yes, he managed to do an outstanding job and in the process beat us all. GREAT SHOOTING Jeff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're wouldn't be picking on us older guys by any chance would you George?
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