Bullet Blocker

Think about this one.

Having a bullet resistant backpack is fine IF the shooter is behind you, if you get shot from the front, then the people behind you (who are not wearing the pack) will be protected.

The prices for the soft armour is good.
think of it this way.take the pack off of your back and hold it up in front of you like a shield.that works too.just becase it is carried on your back does not mean it has to remain there in the face of danger
Resurrecting this thread. My nephew just moved to Chicago for a new job. (Whatever they are paying him, it's not enough). But anyway, he texted me that he and a buddy bought a couple back packs that have a spot for Backpack Armor. Since he thinks I know about things like this he wants a recommendation for for some armor. So I turn to the NES Community again.
Premier makes inserts that are sized for many specific bags. I have one in my backpack.

Premier makes inserts that are sized for many specific bags. I have one in my backpack.

just out of curiosity - will a macbook air stop a 9mm bullet?
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