Boston Globe: Mass killings proliferate as Congress fails to control guns


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
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Mass killings proliferate as Congress fails to control guns

[EXCERPT] "... there was no serious outcry for new gun laws. America has been there, tried that, and run up against an impenetrable wall: the National Rifle Association, which controls politicians through lavish campaign contributions, mainly, but also a relative handful of diehard supporters who oppose even the puniest efforts to control guns."

They got the "Mass Killings" term right (as opposed to "Mass Shootings") but only referenced mass killings with firearms, of course. Four+ people killed without firearms are not newsworthy...

I still can't post comments, even with PW reset - must be banned...

[EDIT] Ah, cannot post comments w/o a paid subscription. What a joke.

I would have posted:

"Guns aren’t even the most lethal mass murder weapon. According to data compiled by Grant Duwe of the Minnesota Department of Corrections, guns killed an average of 4.92 victims per mass murder in the United States during the 20th century, just edging out knives, blunt objects, and bare hands, which killed 4.52 people per incident. Fire killed 6.82 people per mass murder, while explosives far outpaced the other options at 20.82. Of the 25 deadliest mass murders in the 20th century, only 52 percent involved guns...Those who use firearms in a killing spree turn the gun on themselves 34 percent of the time, while only 9 percent of mass-murdering arsonists take their own lives."
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I am gonna go out on a limb and guess Chicago with its gun bans and high murder rates was not mentioned by the globe.
holy hell, those comments.

repeal the second amendment? idiots. don't they realize if they push something like that through the 1st, 4th, and most likely 8th (just to name a few!) will go right out the window after the 2nd?

liberals don't use logic, it's all emotions. Anything they don't like or that scares them must be banned for the good of the children. The Duck Dynasty controversy is a perfect example. They love free speech until someone who isn't a card carrying liberal uses it to express their opinions. Then they get their panties in a wad and scream racism, homophobia, sexism,etc.
Crap like that is why I do not even click links to that rag, or even pick up the filthy pages when I visit my parents. They cannot comprehend that people think differently than them, that not everyone wants MA style gun control, so they have to find a scapegoat, which is usually the NRA.

That rag is not even suitable to line a bird cage.
Meanwhile FBI statistics show that 2.4 MILLION crimes (rapes, murders, burglaries, robberies, home invasions, car jacking, etc.) are prevented each year by firearms in the hands of private citizens. Yet that little fact gets no attention from the Globe at all.

In fact assuming the Globe statistics are even correct (33,000 people will die from gun violence in murder or suicide) and I'm not sure that they are....... That means that for every "murder or suicide" 72.72 crimes have been prevented and lives saved by firearms in the hands of private citizens.

In other words - the Boston Globe is fill of shit....

Oh - by the way - that means 6,575 crimes EACH DAY are prevented by firearms in the hands of private citizens - according to FBI statistics.
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holy hell, those comments.

repeal the second amendment? idiots. don't they realize if they push something like that through the 1st, 4th, and most likely 8th (just to name a few!) will go right out the window after the 2nd?


I only got through a few comments before I started getting a weird twitching in my eye. Afraid I'll have a stroke if I keep reading.

This one is super insightful though:

It's time the great Constitution get a common sense infusion for modern times so, of all things, American will stop killing their babies.

Yeah, people will totally stop killing their babies if they get rid of the 2A. Maybe simultaneously put a new amendment in enshrining the right to have a-words.
I only got through a few comments before I started getting a weird twitching in my eye. Afraid I'll have a stroke if I keep reading.

This one is super insightful though:

It's time the great Constitution get a common sense infusion for modern times so, of all things, American will stop killing their babies.
Yeah, people will totally stop killing their babies if they get rid of the 2A. Maybe simultaneously put a new amendment in enshrining the right to have a-words.

You should go back in and ask them if they support late-term abortion, just to stir the pot. [smile]
Lol. Yes keep changing the constitution. Sure lets do that. Lets see lets add amendments for the definition of marriage, English as the official language, work requirement for welfare, abolish the income tax, term limits, and remove the anchor baby clause. I say lets do it. I would say all of these would pass and the second amendment would be strengthened. Bring it.
I had a 20 min talk with a Globe reporter and when they quoted me in the paper, he made me look like an illiterate and used the only part of the recorded interview where I corrected myself.
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Lets all log in and post in the globes comments section. Might be fun. We can ask about Obamas hometown and gun control and about Eric holder too. Might be fun to make the moonbats squirm on their own liberal rag. I bet most of them would call 911 if they saw a person of color walking down the sidewalk of their gated utopian liberal neighborhood.
holy hell, those comments.

repeal the second amendment? idiots. don't they realize if they push something like that through the 1st, 4th, and most likely 8th (just to name a few!) will go right out the window after the 2nd?


Sometimes I think we should just let it happen. Because when it does, it will kick off a series of events that will eventually result in a second civil war.
The number of American casualties will be equaled only by comparisons with World War II. By fighting for the second amendment we are only delaying the inevitable. My point is that maybe we are due for a refresh of the tree of liberty, the tree of liberty is thirsty and crying out to us.

That, or the whole of the public will turn against it's newfound kings and monarchs who will once again have to be hung or executed in firing lines by the pitchfork masses.

Just look 90 miles south at a country that once was.

Weapons for what? (¿Armas, para qué?) To fight against whom? Against the revolutionary government, that has the support of the whole people? … Weapons for what? Hiding weapons for what? To blackmail the President of the Republic? To threaten to break the peace here? To create organizations of gangsters? Is it that we are going to return to gangsterism? Is it that we will return to daily shootouts in the capital? Weapons for what? Speech in Havana (8 January 1959)

I am not a dictator, and I do not think I will become one. I will not maintain power with a machine gun.
I Won't Be a Dictator
, interview with Ruth Lloyd (January 1959), printed in The Spokesman-Review (24 May 1959)

~Fidel Castro
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I had a 20 min talk with a Globe reporter and when they quoted me in the paper, he made me look like an illiterate and used the only part of the recorded interview where I corrected myself.

Yup - but the reporter did not falsify their story. He/she just provided misleading information. That's how they do it.

1. Quote out of context (a favorite)
2. Cut and splice to juxtapose parts to construct what what never spoken (when caught, they sometimes admit, sometime apologize but rarely retract)
3. Interview people who say what they want to hear (quoting a lie isn't false reporting - just dishonest journalism)
4. Quoting Harvard professors on one side and unqualified "man-on-the-street" people on the other (to make one side look weak, easy as they know people on their side but rarely know how to find qualified people on the other)
5. "Prepare" interviewees with background information before quoting them (often by publishing 1-4 above and asking people their opinion about it)

Do they teach this in journalism school or do editors teach them once hired? It probably comes naturally to many...

The academics make it easy by providing "word-bites" that are not supported directly by their published studies.
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Who cares what the globe "reports". They are circling the toilet and losing thousands of readers per year. They'll be a footnote in the history of plagerism (Barnicle, Smith, et al), that's it.
Lets all log in and post in the globes comments section. Might be fun. We can ask about Obamas hometown and gun control and about Eric holder too. Might be fun to make the moonbats squirm on their own liberal rag. I bet most of them would call 911 if they saw a person of color walking down the sidewalk of their gated utopian liberal neighborhood.
I have had email conversations w/Kevin Paul Dupont(yes, the hockey reporter) and Scot Lehigh. Dupont actually admitted all Globe writers are card carrying liberals except Jacoby. Lehigh started doing hit pieces on the NRA after the CT. massacre and when I called him on it he kept insisting that the NRA was the reason we don't have comprehensive gun control in this country.
Screw them. Only opening up comments to subscribers significantly protects them from opposing viewpoints. They're like the MDA who delete/block any opposing views on their FB page.

The Globe should be forced to give "equal time" in their reporting, to ensure both sides get equal representation, especially some FACTS to support our argument, and refute theirs. That's "debating 101" to allow rebuttal, isn't it?.

This is quite simply only the author's opinion, and shouldn't be given any credence whatsoever.
He does. He is looking to dump the paper and keep the website. After the t and g is sold the globe will be next. He mainly bought the globe for the real estate. The future of news is super local and the globe does not have the staff or funds to support that. Its a dinosaur and any savvy person can read the writing on the wall.
This is the reichstag's SOP the globe is following orders. The propaganda machine is at full push right now going into 2014 elections they need to draw people back into the emotional fray. They don't want people talking about O'care , Benghazi , Solyndra fast and furious or any of the litany of bad moves made by this administration. Every time I see these kinds of articles now I yawn and giggle. It wreaks of desperation .
Who the hell reads newspapers anymore? I can get free news all day long on the internet, tv or radio. The globe is so far left it is sickening.
Meanwhile FBI statistics show that 2.4 MILLION crimes (rapes, murders, burglaries, robberies, home invasions, car jacking, etc.) are prevented each year by firearms in the hands of private citizens. Yet that little fact gets no attention from the Globe at all.

In fact assuming the Globe statistics are even correct (33,000 people will die from gun violence in murder or suicide) and I'm not sure that they are....... That means that for every "murder or suicide" 72.72 crimes have been prevented and lives saved by firearms in the hands of private citizens.

In other words - the Boston Globe is fill of shit....

Oh - by the way - that means 6,575 crimes EACH DAY are prevented by firearms in the hands of private citizens - according to FBI statistics.

Lberals thrive on being victims so crime prevention is contradictory to their primary objective.
Why don't they just outlaw Mass murders, using their logic, that would be a quick fix. Make mass murders illegal and nobody would do it.
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