Bloomberg backed Democrat wins Virginia

Terry McAuliffe ran Barack Obama's campaign back in 2008. This won't be good.
The push depends on the down ballot races. If they don't control all three branches, it goes no where.

Libertarian candidate who was partially funded by an obama billionaire bundler took 6% and decided the race. Plus single women went 75% to 16% for the D. Single women vote on abortion like it's their job. F'ing morons.
The Free Shit Army wins another state.

The two gov's of VA before the current R were D's too. VA has a 1 term limit for governor's, so each is gone after 4 years. The big issue with VA changing from solid R to swing state is the DC suburbs. The federal gov't has grown so much that most of the population growth in VA is right outside DC and they are either federal hacks or make their living from the largesse of the federal hacks.

I think 8 of the 10 richest counties in the country are right outside DC. The only place where there was never a recession is DC and the burbs. All the money around the country gets funneled through DC and they are building and growing like crazy down there. We are funding it all too.
The two gov's of VA before the current R were D's too. VA has a 1 term limit for governor's, so each is gone after 4 years. The big issue with VA changing from solid R to swing state is the DC suburbs. The federal gov't has grown so much that most of the population growth in VA is right outside DC and they are either federal hacks or make their living from the largesse of the federal hacks.

I think 8 of the 10 richest counties in the country are right outside DC. The only place where there was never a recession is DC and the burbs. All the money around the country gets funneled through DC and they are building and growing like crazy down there. We are funding it all too.

Yeah, you're right. A buddy of mine (ex-military) lives in the DC burb's and the thought of a liberal hack like Terry McAuliffe as governor has him .... [puke]
Regardless of whether you are for the Dems or Reps, if you care about the political process you should be outraged by this crap. All the Occupiers complain about how I shouldn't be able to give more than $150 a year to someone I support, meanwhile billionaires are buying elections and their Rasputins secretly fund Tea Party candidates who only dilute the Republican vote. As much as I support libertarian candidates, if you are aware that your funding only exists to make you a spoiler against the guy you disagree with least, you are complicit IMHO.


ETA: and we need universal term limits.
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The Free Shit Army wins another state.

Maybe I've been reading too much prepper fiction lately(Bracken) but it seems like the billionaire one-worlders are winning. The FSA are just pawns, and at the end of the day it won't be a split between the haves and have nots, it will be a split between the have-everything's and the have-nothing's.

The question is: when do we run out of free s*** to keep the army pacified?
The DEMs backed a libertarian to siphon votes - they provided money and support. It looks like it worked at last count he won with less than 50%.

The libertarian was a shill too, he backed GPS tracking of all cars for tax purposes.
The push depends on the down ballot races. If they don't control all three branches, it goes no where.

Libertarian candidate who was partially funded by an obama billionaire bundler took 6% and decided the race. Plus single women went 75% to 16% for the D. Single women vote on abortion like it's their job. F'ing morons.

A lot of good that will do them when they get raped (or worse) and can not defend themselves thanks to the Dem overlords that they voted for. At least they will be able to terminate the pregnancy caused by the rapist assuming they survive the encounter.
The DEMs backed a libertarian to siphon votes - they provided money and support. It looks like it worked at last count he won with less than 50%.

The libertarian was a shill too, he backed GPS tracking of all cars for tax purposes.

Wut? How can he call himself a Libertarian if he backs that kind of privacy and statist invasion?!

Dems taking advantage of the divide amongst conservatives. They learned how to do this in MA it's how they got Devalue elected twice!
That was the label - but with DEM money behind him and his views, not really. DEM - 48%, GOP - 45%, Lib - unlisted but must be what's left 7%.

Yes, the FSA and (LIV)Low-Info-Voters have done it again. This concerns me for the upcoming Amnesty Debate - if the GOP fold on this, it is over - no need to go to the polls again as all the conservative votes will be cancelled by Amnesty, Dreamers & scheme'rs. Trying to look on the bright side they keep this up the crash will be here right quick.
Maybe I've been reading too much prepper fiction lately(Bracken) but it seems like the billionaire one-worlders are winning. The FSA are just pawns, and at the end of the day it won't be a split between the haves and have nots, it will be a split between the have-everything's and the have-nothing's.

The question is: when do we run out of free s*** to keep the army pacified?

Nobody knows when exactly, the key is to be outta Dodge before we do.
The push depends on the down ballot races. If they don't control all three branches, it goes no where.

Libertarian candidate who was partially funded by an obama billionaire bundler took 6% and decided the race. Plus single women went 75% to 16% for the D. Single women vote on abortion like it's their job. F'ing morons.

Yup, have heard this more than once and that's why they voted for Barry too. War on women and all that nonsense.
I didn't know being in the Tea Party was considered being a nut. Oh well I have been called worse.
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If I was to bet that the Republican party spent more on Christy then Cuccinelli because Christy is their type of republican. He was out spent 10 to 1 and don't forget the statist running as libertarian that caused the Dem to win.
Wut? How can he call himself a Libertarian if he backs that kind of privacy and statist invasion?!

Dems taking advantage of the divide amongst conservatives. They learned how to do this in MA it's how they got Devalue elected twice!

He could call himself a Libertarian because that is what he was told to call himself by the people who bought and paid for his straw campaign.
If VA goes down, then it will be virtually impossible to elect an R. It's kind of like how just before the Civil War everyone was waiting to see what VA did regarding secession because depending on how it went events would be set in motion.
It's a good thing the Republicans ran Tea Party nut Cuccinelli instead of Lt. Governor Bill Bolling.

Because, ideological purity, or something...[thinking]
Tea Party nut? Wow! McAuliffe was the bag man for the Clintons. He raised and bundled Millions for them.
If VA goes down, then it will be virtually impossible to elect an R. It's kind of like how just before the Civil War everyone was waiting to see what VA did regarding secession because depending on how it went events would be set in motion.

I don't think Virginia holds that kind of political power anymore.
He could call himself a Libertarian because that is what he was told to call himself by the people who bought and paid for his straw campaign.

Clearly this was the case based on the news that he received millions from an Obama bundler. Wow, just wow.
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