At SLL Nov. 10: Adam Winkler re Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms


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November 2nd, 2011

You are invited!

The Social Law Library and the Boston Chapter of the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy present Adam Winkler discussing Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 10, 2011.
Gunfight promises to be a seminal work in its examination of America’s four-centuries-long political battle over gun control and the right to bear arms. In the tradition of Gideon’s Trumpet, Adam Winkler uses the landmark 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller, which invalidated a law banning handguns in the nation’s capital, as a springboard for a groundbreaking historical narrative. From the Founding Fathers and the Second Amendment to the origins of the Klan, ironically as a gun control organization, the debate over guns has always generated controversy. Whether examining the Black Panthers’ role in provoking the modern gun rights movement or Ronald Reagan’s efforts to curtain gun ownership, Winkler brilliantly weaves together the dramatic stories of gun rights advocates and gun control lobbyists, providing often unexpected insights into the venomous debate that now cleaves our nation . — W.W. Norton & Company, Publisher.
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Adam Winkler, Professor of Law, U.C.L.A, is a specialist in American constitutional law. His wide-ranging scholarship has touched upon a diverse array of topics such as the right to bear arms, corporate political speech rights, affirmative action, judicial independence, constitutional interpretation, corporate social responsibility, international economic sanctions, and campaign finance law. His work has been cited and quoted in landmark Supreme Court cases, including opinions dealing with the Second Amendment and with corporate political speech rights. His commentary has been featured on CNN and in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, and numerous other outlets. He is a contributor to The Daily Beast and The Huffington Post.
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Book signing. Refreshments.
RSVP to this event at:
Questions? Contact Anne Peters at 617-226-1311.
Social Law Library, John Adams Courthouse, 4th Floor, One Pemberton Square, Boston
I read his book. It is one of less biased publications attempting to balance presentation of sides on guns. But it will not appeal to 2nd A advocates for several reasons.

The thesis is that there has always been gun control, so why fuss about the room Heller left for "sensible" gun laws. More time is spent airing the dirty laundry of NRA than the Brady Campaign and their ilk. The book mentions McDonald but stops at Heller, unfortunately. It is a fascinating read. Available on Kindle pretty cheap? But I would say it is more like trying to put the 2nd A frog, if you will, in warm water and slowly turing up the heat to boil it to death, as the analogy goes.

I'll go with some pointed questions.
I waited almost and hour and the speaker hadn't yet appeared, having been stuck in a cab in traffic, so had to leave for another appointment. I assume he showed up at some point. Did anyone else attend?
I read his book. It is one of less biased publications attempting to balance presentation of sides on guns. But it will not appeal to 2nd A advocates for several reasons.

The thesis is that there has always been gun control, so why fuss about the room Heller left for "sensible" gun laws.
I've heard that about his argument as well.

What a fantastic argument, I've heard that somehwere before, oh yeah "there has been slavery since this nation was founded..." "Women have never had the right to vote..." and so on...

Yeah, that's a great argument... [thinking]

The anti's will need to learn that there are not "two sides" to this argument - they are just wrong. [wink]
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