Area 7 Championship Stages

Hehe, breaking his balls when he can't fight back is just mean.
It's not like I said that he got bumped to Open, I just said he didn't make major [wink]

I didn't pass chrono by much; I've gotta figure out why the velocities are noticably lower at matches than when I test them. Maybe I should break down and buy my own chrono.

Yeah, get the one with the IR screens so [STRIKE=you]you[/STRIKE] I can chrono indoors.
My chrono results were exactly what I measured the weekend before.... 172.

I use a ced with standard screens and took my readings at around 1pm under full sun. Seemed to work out well....
Just wanted to thank the staff again- recognizing that the HSC crew as well as folks from from NB, Monson, BUAS, Westfield and other clubs all put it a tremendous effort. How awesome is it to be so close to such a great club.
I gotta send out a HUGE thank you to the entire staff, but also to the shooters. Smooth running fun days, not a single DQ, amazing Northeast Section clubs, and perfect weather (big thank you to God too). Who could ask for more?


Plus all the other Northeast Section clubs that couldn't build a stage, but sent folks to help staff the match. And another RO who had to get here from Nantucket.

Then add in the New York people that drove a long way to lend a hand, including NROI Director John Amidon. John will be away from home for most all of the next 5 weeks for USPSA Nationals and the World Shoot in Greece, but he still gave us 5 days to help make this match.

We are lucky to live and shoot with the folks that we have in the Northeast.
A big Thank You to everybody involved in the match. As expected it was challenging and it was very easy to be underestimate the difficulty of the stages with all the open targets. The line between shooting aggressively or over aggressively was very fine - but it didn't really matter because I stomped all over it any time I could. I also want to apologize to Dave Parker for making him work so hard.
Of all the major matches I've been to this year (and I have been to plenty) this is THE smoothest run match this year. Sure the weather made things a hell of a lot easier for us shooters (I'm sure it made things quite difficult early in the week for you stage setters) but considering how much experience you guys have with wet weather matches, it still would have run well. Thank you to the ROs for volunteering your time! I'm sure it was a learning experience for a lot of you who were newly minted. It's one thing ROing a local match, it's another thing doing it in a major Level III match. Fantastic job!

Though I may not be here to shoot it, I really hope you guys keep Area 7 @ Harvard for a little while longer. If the 'sold-out in 2 seconds' is any indication, imagine how many shooters you can get next year! :)

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