Another School Lockdown

If the above report is correct, they found casings - no body, no bullet holes, no blood. Sounds to me like someone read about the other school last week and is purposely causing a lockdown of their own. We're going to start seeing one or two of these every week if it draws this reaction each time. Meanwhile, if there really is a shooter, a school in lockdown just gave him/her dozens of trapped victims fresh for the picking.

[rolleyes] - not this shit again!

slightly off topic, but i didn't want to start another thread

Tewksbury High School Evacuated After Threat
TEWKSBURY (WBZ) ― Police evacuated Tewksbury High School Tuesday morning to investigate a threat there.

Students and teachers were moved to the Ryan Elementary School on Pleasant Street as a precaution.

No one was hurt.

Officers searched the school and students were allowed to return around 12:30 p.m.

Police have not released any details about the threat.

According to the Lowell Sun, someone wrote a threat to "blow up the school" on a bathroom wall.

They now know how to get out of school.

Drop a few .22s on the floor and your home in time for lunch.

Write a note on the bathroom wall and the same thing.

I think people need to stop running in fear of all this. Parents need to stop running to the school to pickup their kids in panic.

Does a lockdown do anything? Would it have made a difference in Columbine. Not one bit of difference. They were hellbent on doing it and they did it and no locked door in a classroom or moving people to other places will stop a future one. If a criminal wants to commit a crime they will find a way and no law will stop them.

Growing up we had bombthreats once a month. Fire dept would come and 2 hours later we would all get reamed over the loudspeaker by the prinicipal. And we still had to make up all the work. Nobody ever went to jail (school police officer? what is that?)

The whole country needs to have a drink and chill out and get real.

Maybe if parents would get back to disciplining their kids rather than sending them to timeout we would not have this problem. A few good kicks in the pants would go a long way in this country.

The whole country has gone soft.
Lockdowns are awful

As a high school employee, I remember when kids figured out that pulling the fire alarm got them a distraction for a little while, and then one or two copy cats followed suit in the weeks afterward. Strict discipline usually handled the problem, and alarm pulls stopped.

We did have a lockdown ONCE, and there hasn't been a repeat performance since. Kids and employees were locked in rooms in silence for over 5 hours with no potty breaks, no food, no water, and no communication. It was such a miserable experience for all that I doubt we'll see another similar event for a long while.

My point is that while some kids might think they are getting out of school by pulling crap like this, the resulting experience makes sitting in regular classes look like a field day.
In Oxford there were some shotgun shells found (maybe some brass too) found either in the hallway or bathroom. When it happened the second time the police started going door to door selecting 200 houses 'at random' to verify that the owners guns and ammo where storred correctly...

I wonder if they just went to students houses or if they pulled records from the gun registration files to see who has firearms.

Has the invation begun?
It's one of the things I'm really getting sick of.

Something bad happens so the entire country changes policy, gives up essential freedoms and acts like the sky is falling. After 911 kids in my daughter's high school had to go to "grief counseling," ..IN CALIFORNIA. No one knew anyone in the buildings or on the planes, or knew anyone who knew anyone.

Now we get school lockdowns on the off chance that someone might do something bad, when the reality is that the chances of a mass shooting are in fact, vanishingly small.

Hell when I was in junior high school we had a kid get held up in the bathroom and have an ear cut off. I had my lunch money stolen from me at knife point. And no one got too excited. Police were called, the issue dealt with.

These days we go into national hysteria over imagined threats.
In Oxford there were some shotgun shells found (maybe some brass too) found either in the hallway or bathroom. When it happened the second time the police started going door to door selecting 200 houses 'at random' to verify that the owners guns and ammo where storred correctly...

I wonder if they just went to students houses or if they pulled records from the gun registration files to see who has firearms.

Has the invation begun?

And anyone in those houses who didn't respond with "Go to Hell, come back with a warrant," is a fool.
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