After spending a lot of time deciding which trainers that we should bring for training in 2007, we have made the following selections:
Tom Givens, - The same course as this year
Craig Douglas (Southnarc) - Extreme Close Quarter Concepts - www.shivworks.com,
Gunsite - 250 Basic Pistol, and
Randy Cain - The same course as last year
Extreme Close Quarter Concepts (ECQC) The ShivWorks Extreme Close Quarter Concepts (ECQC) course is a two day block of instruction which focuses on a multi-disciplinary approach to building functional, combative handgun skills at zero to five feet. The course is designed to instill core concepts of seamless integration and provide the platform for aggressive problem solving during a life or death struggle. A heavy emphasis is placed upon commonality of body mechanics between skill sub-sets, which means that all combative software is reinforcing. Once the student’s skill sets are initially ingrained, the participant will be stress inoculated with force on force drills utilizing Simunitions and protective equipment. Topics covered include: Day One • Diagnostics • Introduction to the components of the Combative Drawstroke • Building the #2 position in live-fire • Firing throughout the horizontal line of presentation • Off-hand fending positions • Default position • Basic empty hand blows • Theory of in-fight weapon access • Grounded basics Day Two • Challenging the potential attacker • Preemptive weapon access • Muzzle aversion within draw-stroke • Negotiating the F.U.T. • ECQ Handgun retention in holster • ECQ handgun retention out of holster • Handgun recovery • Handgun striking
In addition, NEShooters will be teaching the following courses:
Introduction to Defensive Pistol (1 day - to be offered 2 times - $100.00 + range fee)
Suarez International - Defensive Pistol Skills (2 days - offered 1 time - $200.00 + range fee)
Suarez International - Close Quarters Gunfighting (2 days - offered 1 time - $250.00 + range fee)
If any of you would like to host any of the NEShooters courses at your club, please either email me at [email protected] or give me a call at 603-673-6105 (days)
Tom Givens, - The same course as this year
Craig Douglas (Southnarc) - Extreme Close Quarter Concepts - www.shivworks.com,
Gunsite - 250 Basic Pistol, and
Randy Cain - The same course as last year
Extreme Close Quarter Concepts (ECQC) The ShivWorks Extreme Close Quarter Concepts (ECQC) course is a two day block of instruction which focuses on a multi-disciplinary approach to building functional, combative handgun skills at zero to five feet. The course is designed to instill core concepts of seamless integration and provide the platform for aggressive problem solving during a life or death struggle. A heavy emphasis is placed upon commonality of body mechanics between skill sub-sets, which means that all combative software is reinforcing. Once the student’s skill sets are initially ingrained, the participant will be stress inoculated with force on force drills utilizing Simunitions and protective equipment. Topics covered include: Day One • Diagnostics • Introduction to the components of the Combative Drawstroke • Building the #2 position in live-fire • Firing throughout the horizontal line of presentation • Off-hand fending positions • Default position • Basic empty hand blows • Theory of in-fight weapon access • Grounded basics Day Two • Challenging the potential attacker • Preemptive weapon access • Muzzle aversion within draw-stroke • Negotiating the F.U.T. • ECQ Handgun retention in holster • ECQ handgun retention out of holster • Handgun recovery • Handgun striking
In addition, NEShooters will be teaching the following courses:
Introduction to Defensive Pistol (1 day - to be offered 2 times - $100.00 + range fee)
Suarez International - Defensive Pistol Skills (2 days - offered 1 time - $200.00 + range fee)
Suarez International - Close Quarters Gunfighting (2 days - offered 1 time - $250.00 + range fee)
If any of you would like to host any of the NEShooters courses at your club, please either email me at [email protected] or give me a call at 603-673-6105 (days)
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