7 Days, door to door

Mar 28, 2005
Here and There
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Last Tuesday afternoon I dropped my application for a NH Pistol Permit in the mail. Today, I got my permit back. I can't wait to move back to NH.
I was thinking of moving to Arlington to have a better shot at an unrestricted Class A as opposed to my stupid "sporting and target" Class A... Maybe I should look into a whole other state instead.
It was about 10 years back, but I think I still hold the record: 5 days from my mailling the application to receipt of the license; 7 days from the time I phoned to ask them to send me an application. They may not have reached the level of enlightenment of Vermont and Alaska, but if you've got to have licenses, the granite state certainly knows how to do it.

NH Pistol/Rvolver license

My non-resident license took about 10 days to my door. The day I close on my new home in Newton(NH),
I'm walking the application with $10.00 check into the Newton PD.
Four weeks and counting

It's been four weeks since I applied in Boston for my LTC. The officer said the turn-around time is 4 to 6 weeks.

Yet, people in this state STILL want a mandatory waiting period to purchase a firearm? Don't they think I woud have "cooled off" by now?[/preaching to the choir]
Don't feel bad... I put my application for a renewal/upgrade in at the beginning of Jan.

Still waiting.... Every day like a sucker I get excited when I go home and rush over to the mailbox with just a glimmer of hope!!!

Adam_MA said:
Don't feel bad... I put my application for a renewal/upgrade in at the beginning of Jan.

Still waiting.... Every day like a sucker I get excited when I go home and rush over to the mailbox with just a glimmer of hope!!!


I know the feeling. Every day after they 4 week mark I half expected "today will be the day" It eventually took 2 months.
Re: Four weeks and counting

mAss Backwards said:
It's been four weeks since I applied in Boston for my LTC. The officer said the turn-around time is 4 to 6 weeks.

Yet, people in this state STILL want a mandatory waiting period to purchase a firearm? Don't they think I woud have "cooled off" by now?[/preaching to the choir]

It's amazing how the sheeple think. I still don't understand the whole waiting period thing. You would think logic would come in at some point during the decision making process of law making. But hey, it hasn't in the past, why start now? [twisted]
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