308 Ar10 headspace check.


NES Member
Jan 9, 2012
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In the process of assembling a 308 upper. Have a Proof Research barrel with a Jp Enterprises BCG. I am told by Proof Research themselves that all their barrels are matched to JP bolts on factory builds.
I purchased my barrel and Bcg separate and not direct from either manufacturer.
So should I still check headspacing as a precautionary measure?
I'd rather not go buy $50 headspace gauges for one build.
Does anyone know a local gunsmith with the means to do head spacing on this type of receiver?
Theres really nothing special needed.
As for the bolt and barrel not head spacing correctly the parts would need to be out of spec themselves or the barrel extension/chamber not installed/finished correctly.

You can make a poor mans headspace guage.?

Requires a caliper, spent case , spent case from 9mm and some tape. Its not perfect but works in a pinch.
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