2A protects vet who had been psychiatrically committed 10 years ago (when 15-yo)


NES Member
Dec 30, 2013
Some caves off Route 40 past Groton
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WaPo: Volokh Conspiracy: By Eugene Volokh July 14[, 2016] Second Amendment protects former soldier who had been psychiatrically committed 10 years ago, when he was 15

It's interesting on the face of it. But wait, there's more:

It's a case in the Federal district court for PA, but I wonder if it could have indirect applicability to Mass.

Federal law allows state decisions to lift state gun disabilities to also have the effect of lifting federal gun disabilities, but only if the states adhere to federally prescribed standards for dealing with such matters. But the court concluded that Pennsylvania law doesn’t adhere to those standards, so the federal statutory disability was still in effect as to Yox. The question then was whether Yox had a Second Amendment right that trumped this federal prohibition.

The Feds insist that getting misdafelonies (e.g., DUI) scrubbed by the Mass FLRB doesn't restore gun rights because voting rights were never lost, and so aren't being restored.

It's not the first time that district court has done us a service in PA. Too bad that's not directly applicable in the First Circuit (New England). But if the same arguments fail here, it at least creates a circuit split and a path to SCOTUS.
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The 2nd bars the federal government from even opening their pie hole about guns. But like most government and their various agencies, they refuse to obey the restrictions placed upon them.

What part of "Shall NOT Be Infringed" do they not understand?
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The 2nd bars the federal government from even opening their pie hole about guns. But like most government and their various agencies, they refuse to obey the restrictions placed upon them.

What part of "Shall NOT Be Infringed" do they not understand?

Close the thread. There is no more debating it.

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