Where can't I carry in MA?

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NES Member
Mar 21, 2006
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This question gets asked about 5 times a day on NES so I am going to attempt to answer it in 1 or 2 posts, because the answers are almost always the same.

NOTE: If anyone knows of "Gun Courtesy services" provided at any of these locations let me know and I will add them - EG, for example courthouses that offer lockers to store firearms for LTC holders, etc.

I will also make additions as necessary. This is a work in progress. PM me any suggestions.

Locations which are Statutorily prohibited by STATE LAW:

-Schools (See MGL 269 10 (J) ) for a full description. There is an exception if you get permission in writing from admin types as described in the law, but this is basically unheard of. Pepper Spray/OC is also prohibited. This is a Felony if violated. This is BY FAR the biggest swath of restricted locations in the entire state.

MGL 269-10(J) said:
(j) Whoever, not being a law enforcement officer, and notwithstanding any license obtained by him under the provisions of chapter one hundred and forty, carries on his person a firearm as hereinafter defined, loaded or unloaded or other dangerous weapon in any building or on the grounds of any elementary or secondary school, college or university without the written authorization of the board or officer in charge of such elementary or secondary school, college or university shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. For the purpose of this paragraph, “firearm” shall mean any pistol, revolver, rifle or smoothbore arm from which a shot, bullet or pellet can be discharged by whatever means.

-The surface of the water within 500 feet of Logan Airport (no I'm not BSing you)

-There is also a CMR that regulates guns and the like at Logan but it is mostly BS/impotent: see here:

(much of this is very unclear)

It is very clear to me though that there are NO ISSUES with lawfully checking as baggage, unloaded firearms as cargo on flights via Logan, so there is no reason to get alarmed about any of the above in that regard.

Locations which are prohibited by town or city ORDINANCE:

These are usually kinda toothless but worth mentioning. If anyone knows of a town or city which has an ordinance against carrying a firearm in a given location not already banned by state or federal law, please PM me with as many details as possible and I will include it here with the name of the town and a description of the ordinance and whatever penalties it
may have.

Statutorily prohibited locations by FEDERAL law: (likely prohibited by some chunk of US code)

-Federal Courthouses
-Post Offices (Note that this used to be debateable, but recent court cases have made it a lot less debateable)
-Federal Buildings (eg, for example, buildings located on NPS property but not the National Parks themselves- a bill was signed by Obama which clears the parks but not the buildings for carry).
-The USS Constitution (It's still a real naval vessel and as such is subject to fed laws like you would be subject to on any other ship in the US navy)

-Military Bases - all branches- It is a safe bet that carry of any kind is prohibited on any military base you are likely to run into in MA, with certain pocket exceptions here and there for certain reasons. I would not even attempt to bring an empty piece of brass beyond a gate at a military installation, frankly. A gun "without permission" is out of the question.

-Federal Prisons and corrections facilities - It is a safe bet that this is off limits 110%.

-VA Hospitals - These locations contain federal signage similar to post offices, so the fed likely bans carry there, as well.

Note that in many cases, these federal prohibitions also extend to the grounds of the site
you are on. EG, storing your gun in the car in the parking lot of a Federal Building is likely
not legal.

Probably not statutory, but definitely would not be a good idea to even attempt it:

-State/County Courthouses
-MA Prisons / Houses of corrections
-Police departments which bar carry (for example, Boston PD has metal detectors in at least one station) there may be others that have these setups, let me know and I will add them)

Concerts and other big events/venues:
We don't talk about these because of the ramifications of doing so in public exceed the utility of doing so. Too many eyes watching- See also:


I will also take a moment to mention that these kinds of things are woefully inconsistent even at the same venue. One night concert X is playing and there is no security. Next night same group is playing and there are suddenly guards with wands and crap doing pat downs. If you REALLY want this kind of information my advice would be to ask someone that already went and find them.

Common Mythical Locations: (invented by crappy gun instructors and gun shop commandos)

-Hospitals - NOT PROHIBITED by statute, although some may have rigorous security policies in place. There is also a constant unending debate about "hospitals attached to medical schools" like Umass, etc. If you are afraid of that, you have to do your own research here, and draw your own conclusions. (One notable exception- see VA Hospitals above!)

-National Parks - Fed law change legalizes carry here, except for buildings.

-State parks and forests - Normally Legal but be aware under some circumstances hunting regs may apply, particularly if a warden finds you out in the woods openly carrying a gun during the wrong season or whatever.

-Polling Locations (Unless it is at a SCHOOL- which many of them are!)


-Bars/Clubs - (Don't get caught carrying while intoxicated though, that is illegal, and the amount is not specified in law, so this is a potential danger area... use your brain) Also be aware some of these establishments have varying levels of security.

-Public transportation - MBTA issued an edict saying those with licenses carrying are legal. Beware of bag searches, though.

-State/Local government office buildings without security - for example, your local city hall, RMV branch, etc.

-Private businesses with signage: MA has NO BINDING SIGNAGE in it whatsoever. (Similar to crap seen in TX and other states with new CCW regs) These signs in MA can be ignored from a legal standpoint. That said, if you are detected and you are asked to leave, and you do not leave, you can easily be charged with trespassing. Might also be a suitability issue if you don't leave and the police come.

Big Boy/Girl Rules Note:
Also remember, that suitability may or may not be an issue in MA. For example, If you are trying to enter a private establishment and somehow you are detected it would behoove you to get the hell out of there. A bus load of fail will likely await you if you hang around for the police to come and try to assert your "rights" against a private property owner that doesn't want you carrying in their establishment/venue. You don't have a right to do whatever you want on their property.

The bottom line is if you get caught with your pants down, so to speak, and the cops come, you may be in a world of suitability hurt. (Possible loss or suspension of LTC depending on your issuing authority). Don't be stupid, think about what you are doing before you do it.

If you can't find the answer and you can't find it on here somewhere, you might want to
call a gun lawyer well versed in MA firearms law.

Also remember... concealed is concealed! That can't be said enough.

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