*tr)uSDX 5W 5-Band QRP Tranceiver


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
Feedback: 8 / 0 / 0

I just finished an easy build of this (tr)uSDX 5W 5-Band tranceiver, updated the FW and hooked it up to a K6ARK 20/40m EFHW antenna I have strung from a 2nd floor window to a tree.


Sure enough, the high winds snapped the 26g wire! I’ll have to re-wire and remand that - what a PITA!

I’ll try to rig it up to my 43ft Vertical base antenna for a test run. Overkill alway works!

This looks very interesting...

More screen and fewer knobs - good idea. Frequency & volume are the two knobs hard to part with for me, if I’m just looking around the bands with less intent. Those might be replaced by some screen gesturing though. The all-button-and-knob faceplate radio days are over, unless just a hardware box for connection to a computer/screen interface.

I built a QRP-Labs QDX 5-band, which is nice, but it doesn’t do WinLink. That’s a showstopper for EmComms work. The (tr)uSDX does that well enough and has a knob, buttons and small screen that can do a crude spectrum scope. And it’s mostly prebuilt SMT with few parts to solder. The hardest part is winding the toroids - checking if ToroidGuy offers prewound/tinned ones - his product is excellent.
If I'm not careful I might end up with a (TR)uSDX in my stable. That's a bummer about the QDX. Can you add a digirig (or similar) inline to add Winlink? I know that kind of defeats the purpose.

Short rant about firmware and the Chinese knockoffs of these radios. OH8STN does some neat stuff. He's a little digital heavy for my tastes, but I'm pretty sure he dabbles in all the things.

If I'm not careful I might end up with a (TR)uSDX in my stable. That's a bummer about the QDX. Can you add a digirig (or similar) inline to add Winlink? I know that kind of defeats the purpose.

Short rant about firmware and the Chinese knockoffs of these radios. OH8STN does some neat stuff. He's a little digital heavy for my tastes, but I'm pretty sure he dabbles in all the things.

Same with the nanoVNA and tinySA instruments, as well as QRP Guys kit Chinese knock-offs. Poor performance from inferior components burdens the high-quality vendors and they get overwhelmed to the point of walking away.

I like OH8STN - I’m probably more digital and less voice myself. except for local nets.

I’ll just use the QDX for WSJY-X/JS8CALL - it’s fine for that.
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