NY Proposed Laws going after ammo now...


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
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It was just a matter of time before this started.....

S.C.O.P.E. Shooters Committee on Political Education www.scopeny.org

Action Alert from SCOPE!

This is an Action Alert from SCOPE asking you to invest a few minutes and make your voice heard.

Now It’s “Assault Ammunition!”

Three bills, moving into Codes Committee at the Assembly, when taken together, appear to be moving towards a system of licensed and restricted ammunition purchases. These poorly crafted bills could impact nearly ALL ammunition purchases by firearms owners of ALL types.

Don’t be fooled! The text of these bills may appear limited, but the poor drafting by these Assembly Members would result in confusion at the cash register if for no reason other than this: there is no such thing as “assault ammunition.”

A-9341 would require dealers to verify that a person is authorized to possess a particular firearm before selling ammunition to that individual. While the bill points to only those with licenses of handguns, there is no such thing as ammunition exclusively used in pistols or revolvers. The practical impact of the bill will be to create confusion (at best) and prohibitions (at worst) for all purchasers of ammunition, including those purchasing ammunition for their long gun.

A-9340 would limit owners of registered “assault weapons” from purchasing more than two times the capacity of the firearm every 120 days. This bill appears to be attempting to accelerate the obsolescence of those firearms registered under the “SAFE Act,” which already are heavily restricted from transfer and have no permitted inheritance. For the 23,344 people who registered their firearms, this bill only picks on the most compliant of all law-abiding gun owners!

Take these two bills with A-1747, which would restrict the sale of ammunition to only those with a valid handgun license. The bill defines “ammunition” as “anything hurled by a weapon, including bullets and gunpowder.”

Problems with these bills?
(1.) These bills amount to an end-run around the already-failed real time background checks on ammunition from the “SAFE Act” that need to be repealed.
(2.) Ammunition is useable for both pistol and long gun platforms, meaning ALL gun owners could end up shut out of ammunition purchases.
(3.) Registered owners of “assault weapons” could find their firearms obsolete in as little as 20 rounds.

Don’t allow these bills to supplement the legal fiction of the “assault weapon” and the burdens of obtaining a handgun license. Call Assembly Members Simon and Pretlow today to voice your opposition. Don’t allow our Legislators to toss our ammunition into its boiling cauldron of Albany politics!

Kevin Sisson
Legislative Activities Coordinator

Just Say No! to A-9340, A-9341, and A-1747!

Assm. Jo Anne Simon (Sponsor, A-9340 & A-9341): (518) 455-5426
Assm. J. Gary Pretlow (Sponsor, A-1747): (518) 455-5291


Bill at Issue: A-9340 [No “same as” in the Senate.]
Bill Summary: “Relates to the sale of ammunition for assault weapons; class E felony.”
Find the Bill at: http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?def...tions=Y&Text=Y


Bill at Issue: A-9341 [No “same as” in the Senate.]
Bill Summary: “Relates to the restriction of the sale of ammunition to only individuals authorized to possess such weapon.”
Find the Bill at: http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?def...tions=Y&Text=Y


Bill at Issue: A-1747 [No “same as” in the Senate.]
Bill Summary: “Prohibits the sale of handgun ammunition to any person unless the person can produce proof of a firearm license.”
Find the Bill at: http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?def...tions=Y&Text=Y
Have to care as it's a neighboring state and you never know. Plus what you're saying is exactly what everyone said about their latest round of gun laws and look what happened there.
Have to care as it's a neighboring state and you never know. Plus what you're saying is exactly what everyone said about their latest round of gun laws and look what happened there.

That fair but I'm not a citizen of NY. There's nothing I can do about this except sit by and watch. (oh, and send mo money to da NRA)
with the exception of buying limited ammo, these sound a lot like current MA law.
We have to care because if NY gets away with it than politicians and lobbyists will be visited by the good idea fairy to spread it like Zika virus to MA.
New York has plenty of pressing issues. They are not guns or ammo. What a bunch of politically, close minded, morally bankrupted, dip shts.
I am so sick of the same lying politicians promising you sht, and at the end of the day they deliver nothing, then the next cycle starts, they promise you sht, and again deliver nothing.
We are getting close to a boiling point and ready to spill over the top. All driven by political ideology.

It was just a matter of time before this started.....
My gf and I just drove across the country and we were very surprised at how other states didn't give a crap if you OC'd, CC'd, as you didn't need a license for either, or the licenses you have covered you in a certain state.

NY, and the other ten or eleven states with shit legislations are insane compared to the other 38. As much as I try not to give NY any business, it's important to stand with other gun owners in other states.

While flying back from Las Vegas, the ticket guy for the airline was also a gun owner and was asking me how I liked the G30 SF versus the G21 SF. That was a huge relief and my only worry after that was whether or not we'd be diverted to NY or NJ even though we were nonstop to Boston.
Yes,we have to care about all states. If NY gets away with passing these insane and useless laws, watch out. The next step could be similar laws in your state. Then another state, so on and so forth.
I still to this day receive brochures and emails regarding land parcels and farm land for sale in NYS. I have to admit I have been tempted quite a few times to take the plunge and go NY, but honestly NY is operating in full retard mode now. I can't even stand Massachusetts, how could I ever warm up to a cozy cabin in NYS somewhere?
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