Dissecting Gun Laws After Bruen & Biden’s Bipartisan Safer Communities Act


NES Member
May 21, 2022
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Jason Guida (among others) is involved in presenting at an upcoming webinar that deals with a number of relevant topics re: gun laws and Bruen. It does cost $125 for a seat in the live webinar, but thought maybe folks would be interested considering the quality of the presenters and the relevant subject matter. I wouldn't otherwise have been aware of it if I didn't follow JG on linkedin.

I'm not associated with it in any way, but found it potentially interesting and am considering signing up.

Here is the agenda from the website :

Agenda & Materials​

  • 2:00pm - 2:05pm - Welcome and Introduction
  • 2:05pm - 2:30pm - How Guns Are Currently Sold and Purchased in the United States, Including Licensing Requirements: Overview of Licensing Procedures: Eligibility and Suitability (Including Disqualifying Offenses)
  • 2:30pm - 2:55pm - Further Insights on Suitability Issues: At the Police Department and in the Courts
  • 2:55pm - 3:10pm - Possible Routes to Overcoming Eligibility and Suitability Challenges
  • 3:10pm - 3:30pm - Evolution of Legislation and Case Law with Respect to Licensing
  • 3:30pm - 3:45pm - The Practical Difficulties of Applying the BSCA and Bruen Simultaneously
  • 3:45pm - 4:00pm - "Ask the Experts" Q&A Session and Key Takeaways
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