Biden Nominee to 7th Circuit Supported Banning ‘Assault Weapons’ But Cannot Define Them


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Nancy Maldonado, President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, supported Illinois’s “assault weapons” ban but could not define an “assault weapon” when Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) questioned her.

During Wednesday’s confirmation hearing, Kennedy seized on a brief Maldonado signed in support of the Illinois “assault weapons” ban and asked what an “assault weapon” was.

The Washington Times quoted Kennedy saying, “You said, ‘Assault weapons may be banned because they’re extraordinarily dangerous and are not appropriate for legitimate self-defense purposes.’ Tell me what you meant by ‘assault weapons’?”

Maldonado responded by saying she is “not a gun expert.”


Kennedy noted, “So you submitted a brief, an appellate brief, you signed it, and you don’t know what … and you said, ‘Abolish assault weapons,’ and you don’t know what you wanted them to abolish?”

Maldonado responded by indicating she had not done the research on the firearms and could not “remember the exact definition of assault weapons.”

Wood Berry.
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Her ridiculous "testimony" would be laughable if the stakes weren't so high.
She is a classic example of the thousands of "officials" who really have no idea what they are doing.

The next election is the most important of our lifetimes, as the next President is looking at possibly three SC picks

Can you possibly imagine the fate of our country with this moron on the other hyphenated moron that couldn’t describe a woman bc she’s not a biologist but came out this week against the 1A
If the repubs somehow managed to garner a 2/3rd majority in the senate they should immediately vote to impeach all of these judges and have them removed from the bench. But repubs won't do that, instead they'll let knuckleheads like this run amok on the criminal justice system while they (the repubs) whistle past the graveyard.
Her ridiculous "testimony" would be laughable if the stakes weren't so high.
She is a classic example of the thousands of "officials" who really have no idea what they are doing.

Sounds like 99.999% of any government official. If it weren't for personal experience in turd polishing they would be useless in the real world.
This is why there shouldn't be any females in government.
99% of the time, they have no idea what they are talking about.
It's not about facts with them, it's about emotions. This isn't how a country should operate. She should be very embarrassed, I watched this live. Thank god we have people willing to put these idiots in their place.
This is why there shouldn't be any females in government.
99% of the time, they have no idea what they are talking about.
It's not about facts with them, it's about emotions. This isn't how a country should operate. She should be very embarrassed, I watched this live. Thank god we have people willing to put these idiots in their place.
And it is perfectly fine if you just don’t know. Wouldn’t it be in the job description that if you don’t know or understand the finer points of an issue you’ll be ruling on to do as much research as possible including seeking out opinions and guidance from those more knowledgeable than you?
And it is perfectly fine if you just don’t know. Wouldn’t it be in the job description that if you don’t know or understand the finer points of an issue you’ll be ruling on to do as much research as possible including seeking out opinions and guidance from those more knowledgeable than you?
The worst is she didn't acknowledge she was wrong. Didn't provide an answer to the question. Exposed herself as someone who will sign anything in front of her.
She is 100% not qualified. Because she is a Fraud. Like you said. A respectable adult would state they do not know.
Her ridiculous "testimony" would be laughable if the stakes weren't so high.
She is a classic example of the thousands of "officials" who really have no idea what they are doing.

Sadly, it ain't new.

Was listening to the latest Mike Rowe podcast. Has some guy on there. 9 times out of 10 I don't recognize them b/c most of them are conservative journalists and I just don't read or watch the news. Period.

Anyhow, he was talking about the very furthest northern CA forests and how, in the 70's, environmentalists got logging outlawed in teh area for the sake of some endangered species. Instead of them doing select logging and MAYBE killing a spotted owl, they do none.

So thousands of jobs evaporate. It turned out they had a LARGE contingent of black workers. All out of work. Good job state of Cali.

So now you FF about 40-50 years. No logging done. Nothing at all. In fact, the state hires "rangers" to ensure no one does anything. What happens????

Shasta forest fire. Wipes it ALL out - including the black sections of the town that was created originally to house these folks. Oh, and I'm sure all of the spotted owls made it out AOK, right???

That was stupid stuff government did 40-50 years ago. I could go back further. Man is a moron. He makes decisions based on emotion, not fact. Remember it was REPUBLICANS that got the Patriot Act passed. Emotion, not fact. It's a wonder we've survived this long on this planet, let alone as a nation.
Oh! I agree about the Patriot Act. That was Georgie doing the business of the globalists. Other than that, there is not a Demo/Commie that is worth a piss hole in the snowbank.
We need to bring back the House Un-American Activities Committee. All the Demo/Commies and other globalists need to be investigated and ostracized.
If the repubs somehow managed to garner a 2/3rd majority in the senate they should immediately vote to impeach all of these judges and have them removed from the bench. But repubs won't do that, instead they'll let knuckleheads like this run amok on the criminal justice system while they (the repubs) whistle past the graveyard.
We need to take back the party

I know you don’t wanna hear how we do it but that’s what needs to be done

TBH, until the very recent past - of course starting with the Dems, as always - unless there was a MAJOR issue with a judicial nominee, they'd receive unanimous support from the Senate. It's how it was done.
the GOP and Dems are two sides of the same coin. I don't want either of them

Oh you want me to bend your noodle even further than that?

A lot of Trump fans here because he manipulates the other side so so so well. (And he does!)

But why do you assume he's NOT playing you at the same time??? Two sides of teh same coin with a bad combover on the obverse AND reverse.
TBH, until the very recent past - of course starting with the Dems, as always - unless there was a MAJOR issue with a judicial nominee, they'd receive unanimous support from the Senate. It's how it was done.
I watched one of those appointment sessions once, and it is useless the dems out number them, and everyone of the idiots like her get thru. Paul
I can live with the people that think you shouldn't be able to defend yourself (I don't believe that). People should have the right to make their own good or bad decisions.

When they start lumping me into their no firearms will create a world wide utopia the line where I will not comply has been crossed.

Too many people don't have a concept how fragile freedom really is and they aren't willing to fight for it.

Senator Kennedy's ability show what we all know...upon gaining the bench, she will be a gun grabber.

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