2024 Spring Turkey


Jul 18, 2013
Western, MA
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How do we not have a 2024 Spring Turkey thread yet... guess I'll start one on a good note.

We've been hitting the turkey woods pretty hard between CT and MA youth season and the regular season in both states without any success. I know the weather has been hurting us a little plus work, school, and my kids baseball always gets in the way too. Been hearing a lot of birds gobbling on the roost but then quite once they hit the ground. I usually take this as the Tom's being with a hen right away.

And then we have this a**h*** bird.....

I really thought this guy was going to be my grunge/nemisys bird for the year. I've hunted three days working him and only got to see him for the first time right before I shot him this AM. Crazy.

We first found him before the season started while scouting/shed hunting with my lab. He gobbled at absolutely nothing and for no reason in the middle of the woods. My lab caught his scent about 20 minutes on our way out and took off.... pretty sure Emmit caught up with him and treed him like a racoon. LOL. Crazy bird dogs.

The first two day of hunting were the same. I'd call.. he'd gobble and come in to about 50-60 yards and gobble again to let me know he was there... he would never come any closer. I'd try and close my distance slowly... call again and he's respond once.. then disappear. Complete silence. Wouldn't answer anything. Then 15-20 minutes later.. he'e gobble again somewhere else about 100 yards away. I swear.. sometimes he must have walked right by me to get there.

This AM, I knew I had to try something different. Brought a hen decoy with me. Setup at 5AM... heard him on the roost and gobble all the way to the field that I couldn't hunt. I was able to slowly work him toward me but he started playing the same game. I heard him wonder off about 8AM... thought my day was over.. then about 30 minutes later he was back.. with a hen this time. He'd gobble sometimes but just ignore me most of the time. He was like 60 yards away at most. I'd had enough.

I dropped everything I had with me except a mouth call and my shotgun and slowly worked toward him. Finally I got eyes on him and the hen. I put a large thick pine tree between us and worked in closer slowly... Finally got close enough for comfort and I just stopped and raised the gun... it took 10 minutes before he slowly made his way toward me and I had a good shot... send 1 1/2 oz #7 of TSS at him... and then panic set in as I watched two birds getting away. Crap.. Did I miss? As I stood up I saw my gobble laying dead.... he had TWO hens with him!!!! I didn't even see the second one. Oh that was a relief.

You should have seen the woods... my backpack was over by this tree, my sling over here, decoy still sitting in the open being ignored, my chest rig was on the ground where I first started to close in on him. Took 20 minutes to gather up all my stuff.. but it was a proud 1.5 miles walk back to the truck.

I know I'm not the world's' best turkey hunter.. and certainly not the best caller either. This was my biggest bird to date at 20.5 lbs and 9" beard.


Went Saturday morning southern nh. Gobbling started at 715am. I was on posted private property so felt comfortable moving around. Got within 75 yards of a Tom and hen. I went without decoys or a blind just the gun and a box call. Hen would give 4 quick yelps and he'd gobble and strut....he was just a bit too far thru the trees for me to take the shot. This went on for 45 minutes and I decided to move around on them and see if I cold get closer but before I could even start to move she left and took him with her. Lesson learned.....don't wait so long......if you think your gonna move in on him just go for it. He was in full strut and not paying any attention to me.

Im back at it this morning with my son gonna go in late to work.
Been out a few times. Same situation where I hear gobbles, set up a hundred yards away and then nothing after. I hunt mostly public land so I'm not chasing birds to someone setup somewhere else. I'll give it a good effort next week and see what happens. They are out there and I'm hoping soon they will be more desperate and start coming my way when calling.
Jakes still count right?

Got permission to hunt this property right before the season started. Property owner said no one in the family really hunted turkey but I needed to keep out come deer season. I thought the property was going to be a slam dunk... I saw Tom's out in the field the one day I scouted.... plus a friend lives nearby and always sees birds on his small lot.

Well the first few times we hunted the property was the same.. birds gobbling right off the roost but they were right between the families two houses... where we couldn't shoot them. They would answer a few calls but never come in.. they would always head north where we couldn't hunt them at all. The one morning I tried something different and got as close to the houses as I legally could in the dark.. a bird gobbled from the field where I usually sit. LOL.

I kind of messed up relocating to the field and blew that AM apart.. he did ended up coming back later that morning but he was with a hen and never came within 80 yards of my setup.

So this AM I got in early and setup where I could see the whole field... setup a decoy and sat. Heard birds gobbling around 530. I figured there was more than one bird and some of the gobbles sounded "jakey" They gobbled on and off for 20 minutes then went silent... about 10 minutes later... here comes two jakes sneaking in toward my decoy.

I was going to give them a pass but one of them had a half way decent beard... and I figured why not. There's only 7 more days in the season.. might has well get one now. Plus I'm not the worlds greatest turkey hunter so I've never shot two birds in one season... I shot a nice Tom a couple weeks ago.. so this AM I got my second bird.

Not the worlds greatest pic but everything was soaked this AM after two straight days of rain.

Emmit hates turkey season as he has to stay home... but he approves of birds I bring back to eat.

Turkey or two gobbling every day across from my house. Imtoo busy to bother chasing it. Most of my serious turkeyy buddies are tagged out.
Went out for my first ever real turkey hunt in NH a couple weeks ago and ended up striking up a tom and calling him in.

After first light I found a good amount of scratching. I tried a locator call first and after awhile tried a box call. With no response I continued on hiking. After an hour or so if not finding sign or hearing anything I circled back to the scratching I found. I sat down with a hen decoy and called quietly every 10 minutes. After 30 minutes I thought I was going crazy because I thought I heard a gobble. I didn’t call back, but after 10 minutes I definitely heard a gobble and it was getting closer.

After hearing that I immediately cut him off and he double gobbled right back. I stopped and he continues to come closer gobbling all the way. Unfortunately he was coming from behind me but in the end I was able to swing to the right and shoot him at 15 yds.

It was a great hunt but the only thing I would do differently would be more patient and watch the show. No way I was going to let him away!


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