Was thinking about what kind of thread that NES could/ would use……

Yosemite Sam

NES Member
Aug 1, 2019
Feedback: 17 / 0 / 0
so I’m thinking a Dear Abby thread
Dear Abby: Mother has second thoughts on decisions made for sons | Comment  | vintonjacksoncourier.com

questions seeking guidance

such as
my wife won’t let me…..
my boyfriend won’t leave his wife for me……
just found a suitcase of guns, should I ……..
I’m 47 & my mum wants me to get a job, should I …….
I’m 47 & my mum wants me to move out of her basement ….
I’m 29, my mum doesn’t like my 19 ferrets (also in basement)
is it ok my wife wants to peg me, should I let her

you know what I mean
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