Tulsi - Movement on the 2nd amendment

Not right now. She is a snake in the grass 100%
Ohh I don’t trust her.

I just thought the points she raised (whether she believes them or not) were interesting. I know I’ve encountered a lot of people that woke up to the BS during/after COVID.
Not right now. She is a snake in the grass 100%
Maybe. But she’s been consistent on foreign intervention, media propaganda, and the deep state.

I don’t expect the single-issue voters here to be convinced, but it’s curious thst many of them supported Trump, despite his history of being anti-2A.
Ohh I don’t trust her.

I just thought the points she raised (whether she believes them or not) were interesting. I know I’ve encountered a lot of people that woke up to the BS during/after COVID.
Exactly two of us watched the video, dude. I’m cautiously optimistic that she’s changed. I know I did.
Maybe. But she’s been consistent on foreign intervention, media propaganda, and the deep state.

I don’t expect the single-issue voters here to be convinced, but it’s curious thst many of them supported Trump, despite his history of being anti-2A.
Propaganda and deep state you say?….

Don’t you think it’s a little odd that a LtCol in the Army’s Public affairs and psychological operations command can come out and speak so badly about our Gov and deep state without any reprimand?..it’s all a rouse..she’s as deep as that whole f***in swamp
The truth is, there has never been a gun law ever passed that will stop criminals, whackos, or terrorists from obtaining or using those guns to kill people. Gun laws have one purpose and one purpose only, to regulate law-abiding citizens. But no matter how much the government regulates law-abiding citizens, acts of gun violence continue to rise. And nothing any democrat or those who agree with their flawed ideology can say or do will change that. In a civilized society, people do not just shoot other people, but we are no longer living in a civilized society, that should be obvious to everyone in this world by now.

There is a saying I heard when I was a kid: "locks aren't meant to stop criminals, they're meant to stop honest folk from becoming criminals." Laws work the same way: "regulate law-abiding citizens" is and always has been their primary purpose. The human being never lived who wouldn't break the law the instant they decided the benefits of doing so outweighed the risks. A well-written and well-enforced law sees to it that the risks of breaking it always outweigh the benefits. The problem we have right now is that across large swathes of the USA, the laws are being enforced so badly that for all practical purposes, breaking them carries no risk at all. Why should anyone obey the law under those circumstances?

I don’t expect the single-issue voters here to be convinced, but it’s curious thst many of them supported Trump, despite his history of being anti-2A.
Perhaps this will help you understand: Elections don't happen in a vacuum. Many, many people don't vote for the candidate they like, or the candidate who agrees with them. They vote for the candidate they dislike less. I have a great deal of contempt for Trump as a person, and I'm well aware he didn't agree with me on many issues - but what was the alternative? I understand why many people choose third-party candidates as a protest vote, but the sad fact is that in our political system, with two parties that between them command 90+% of the total vote, a vote for a third-party candidate may as well be a vote for the other side.
All politicians lie for votes. Believe me, once a gun grabber, always a gun grabber. That goes double for politicians! Trust them at your own peril IMHO!

Give some people a chance. I used to be a Tulsi style person many years ago. Now look at me. You'd be hard pressed to find a tougher 2A absolutist than me.
1) I think he has a better than average chance, unfortunately.

2) Agree

3) She is hot.

I will vote for Trump if there is no other choice :( You are in FL, you gotta vote, at least your vote makes a difference unlike here in MA.

There's no way I am voting for Trump again. He thought he was draining the swamp and instead accidentally pressed the great reset accelerator pedal with the pandemic and over-trust of authority figures because he's a germophobe. I'm not saying he's a bad guy, but he's running against his own record this time and the enthusiasm is gone.
Remember when Trump was a democrat?
“I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record.” - Trump 2000 book “The America We Deserve”.
Yes, I love being called a RINO by Trump cultists. He's anti-gun, pro-abortion, a swamp creature from his earliest days, and literally a Republican of convenience.
To be clear, I support Trump, I’m just not a boot-licker and think if we’re going to excuse his past transgressions Tulsi deserves that same courtesy. And she’s significantly better than Trump in virtually every other way.
Yes, I love being called a RINO by Trump cultists. He's anti-gun, pro-abortion, a swamp creature from his earliest days, and literally a Republican of convenience.
All true. But it's also true that he appointed three pro-2A Supreme Court justices, without whom the Bruen case wouldn't even have been heard, let alone decided the way it was. And he did something that no other Republican candidate for president had done since Ronald Reagan: he took the fight to the Democrats. He made conservatives believe they could win - not just win a battle here and there, but win the war.
All true. But it's also true that he appointed three pro-2A Supreme Court justices, without whom the Bruen case wouldn't even have been heard, let alone decided the way it was. And he did something that no other Republican candidate for president had done since Ronald Reagan: he took the fight to the Democrats. He made conservatives believe they could win - not just win a battle here and there, but win the war.
So basically, a Democrat with a history of anti-2A stances had a change of heart, left the Democratic Party, and ended up having a positive impact on gun rights?
All true. But it's also true that he appointed three pro-2A Supreme Court justices, without whom the Bruen case wouldn't even have been heard, let alone decided the way it was. And he did something that no other Republican candidate for president had done since Ronald Reagan: he took the fight to the Democrats. He made conservatives believe they could win - not just win a battle here and there, but win the war.
I always give credit where it's due.

Trump's judicial appointments were awesome. I'd like to thank whoever at the Federal Society or other organizations had his ear on those, but I know Trump didn't do it on his own. He's "not a details guy", as he has said.
So basically, a Democrat with a history of anti-2A stances had a change of heart, left the Democratic Party, and ended up having a positive impact on gun rights?
That's certainly one way to look at it.

Me, I've given up trying to figure out what Trump is, politically speaking. He's supported Democrats. He ran as a Republican. He also supported the Reform Party when that was a thing, back in the nineties. He's filthy rich, and moreover he's New York City rich, so he belongs to a class of people who simply don't live in the same world we do. He said some brilliant things on the campaign trail; he said some appallingly stupid things on the campaign trail. He did some great things while in office; he did some awful things while in office. In fact, what he looks like to me is somebody whose political ideology lies along a whole different axis from the traditional left-right one.


Sure there are more ideologically pure candidates out there, but they don't win elections. Maybe they should, but the fact is they don't. You go into elections with the candidates you have, not the ones you wish you had. And a candidate who doesn't win is no use to us at all.
Bump stock ban and take the guns first is positive?
The Trumpists will tell you that it was all 6D chess: he imposed executive rules knowing that the judges he appointed would overturn them.


He has the attention span of a mayfly. I don't give him credit for thinking about anything for longer than it took him to blurt it out.
Tulsi at Sig Sunday.

I’m cautiously optimistic on her and would actually like to go to meet her. For you haters there will be lots of guys that love decock there.

Tulsi at Sig Sunday.

I’m cautiously optimistic on her and would actually like to go to meet her. For you haters there will be lots of guys that love decock there.

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I met her when she was in Manchester, campaigning in 2019. She had just smoked someone on pushups who challenged her to them. LOL.
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