Self-Important Politicians!

Len-2A Training

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Feb 26, 2005
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Saturday I was in Costco's in Dedham, MA when I spotted former Gov. (and disastrous Presidential candidate) Mike Dukakis. This sad relic of a man was so "self-important" that he was saying "hi" in a low breath as he passed every person/cart in the store! It was almost humorous as he passed a woman who was headed in the same direction as he was (and she was looking away from him) and said "hi"!

It must be terrible to be a washed up has-been! [twisted]


Historical Note for those too young to remember or that weren't paying attention: His downfall was when he gave weekend furloughs to a 1st degree murderer (Willie Horton) who then skipped out and savagely raped a woman and attempted to murder her fiancé in 1986. Read all about it here:

When the Duke was questioned during the Presidential debate that if his Wife was raped and murdered would he be in favor of the death penalty . . . Here's the quote and response from:

The issue of capital punishment came up at the October 13, 1988 debate between the two presidential nominees. Bernard Shaw, the moderator of the debate, asked Dukakis, "Governor, if Kitty Dukakis [his wife] were raped and murdered, would you favor an irrevocable death penalty for the killer?" Dukakis replied coolly, "No, I don't, and I think you know that I've opposed the death penalty during all of my life." The reply was sincere and well-put, but Dukakis' answer lacked the emotion needed for a question in which he was forced to consider his wife's death. Many believe that this gaffe in part cost Dukakis the election.

And every time he says "hi", what's followed in his one mind is "I should never have let them take that picture of me in the tank." [lol]
Making a fool of himself in the store is today's equivalent of him "riding the tank"!

He passed me no less than 4 times and each time I got a "hi"!

Makes me wonder if he has Alzheimer's and just enjoys meeting new people all the time? [roll]
LenS said:
Making a fool of himself in the store is today's equivalent of him "riding the tank"!

He passed me no less than 4 times and each time I got a "hi"!

Makes me wonder if he has Alzheimer's and just enjoys meeting new people all the time? [roll]

Just think, if you're lucky someday you might run into John Forbes Kerry walking around Home Depot mumbling "did I mention that I'm a war hero" while thinking "why did I ever let them get me into that hunting costume?" [lol]

I wonder if Kerry will ever realize how detrimental that little goose hunting trip was to his campaign. The gun owners already knew he was a fraud and the tree huggin Libs got their panties in a wad. It was priceless.
KMaurer said:
Just think, if you're lucky someday you might run into John Forbes Kerry walking around Home Depot mumbling "did I mention that I'm a war hero" while thinking "why did I ever let them get me into that hunting costume?" [lol]


[lol] [lol] [lol] Good one, Ken.
derek said:
I wonder if Kerry will ever realize how detrimental that little goose hunting trip was to his campaign. The gun owners already knew he was a fraud and the tree huggin Libs got their panties in a wad. It was priceless.

He'll never have a clue. I respect the fact that he served in VN, however, I'll never warm up to that ba$tard. My brother was wearing camo when that SOB lied to congress about the "atrocities", and he damn near went to VN (they were packed and getting on the truck to take them to the plane when it was cancelled). When he first joined the NG, he used to wear his greens home. When the youknowwhat hit the fan, he'd change into his civies before he left to come home.

And I'll lay you 10 to 1 odds that the goose Kerry was carrying back was shot by someone else! (Have you noticed that I have a severe, intense, seething dislike of the man?? :D )
Lynne said:
derek said:
I wonder if Kerry will ever realize how detrimental that little goose hunting trip was to his campaign. The gun owners already knew he was a fraud and the tree huggin Libs got their panties in a wad. It was priceless.

He'll never have a clue. I respect the fact that he served in VN, however, I'll never warm up to that ba$tard. My brother was wearing camo when that SOB lied to congress about the "atrocities", and he damn near went to VN (they were packed and getting on the truck to take them to the plane when it was cancelled). When he first joined the NG, he used to wear his greens home. When the youknowwhat hit the fan, he'd change into his civies before he left to come home.

And I'll lay you 10 to 1 odds that the goose Kerry was carrying back was shot by someone else! (Have you noticed that I have a severe, intense, seething dislike of the man?? :D )

You and me both.
ROTFLMAO....if THAT was an excited face, then I'd really hate to see him depressed. [lol]

There were a couple other hunting outings as I recall too. <snort> Does he REALLY think we're THAT stupid??? Oh...of course...he's a lib, of course he does...nevermind. :D
I too have a very strong dislike for him. I just wish when he ran for president he gave up his seat as senator. Which I think should be mandatory.
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