Local Dealers who Sell on Consignment Through GunBroker?


NES Member
Jan 23, 2016
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Local Dealers who Sell on Consignment Through GunBroker?
I have an antique rifle that I want to sell. To get the best price, I think GunBroker will have the biggest audience. I've sold a few other rifles on consignment through GunBroker with a dealer in Littleton, but he's busy and not interested this time. There's actually no Federal paperwork required, but I don't want to deal with the time & hassle of shipping, payment issues, etc.

I know Four Seasons will do it, and they charge 18% commission. I've looked, and I haven't been able to find any sort of list of who sells on GunBroker, and what their commission rate is. I'm in Lexington, so Four Seasons would certainly be convenient.

Can anyone recommend other shops for this? Another option would be Kittery, because they get a LOT of traffic, but I don't know if they sell on consignment.

This is a simple straightforward question. Because this is an Internet forum, the first thing all the know-it-alls will do is tell me why my question is wrong. I am a NES member (I just renewed, because I missed the expiration email) and could sell it here, but I chose not to. I already explained my reasons above. If you can't contribute to this thread constructively, please go elsewhere. I posted this earlier with a brief mention of the rifle in question, and was immediately accused of trying to circumvent the sales process on NES. When I complained that nobody was interested in answer my question, but only in attacking my motives, somebody apparently had a Moderator pull the thread.

So, does anyone have any information to add? I would think that dealers in the area would be happy to have the business, and I was surprised that this info isn't readily accessible. GunBroker also does not have a list of consignment sellers people could go to.

Thank you.

Local Dealers who Sell on Consignment Through GunBroker?
I have an antique rifle that I want to sell. To get the best price, I think GunBroker will have the biggest audience. I've sold a few other rifles on consignment through GunBroker with a dealer in Littleton, but he's busy and not interested this time. There's actually no Federal paperwork required, but I don't want to deal with the time & hassle of shipping, payment issues, etc.

I know Four Seasons will do it, and they charge 18% commission. I've looked, and I haven't been able to find any sort of list of who sells on GunBroker, and what their commission rate is. I'm in Lexington, so Four Seasons would certainly be convenient.

Can anyone recommend other shops for this? Another option would be Kittery, because they get a LOT of traffic, but I don't know if they sell on consignment.

This is a simple straightforward question. Because this is an Internet forum, the first thing all the know-it-alls will do is tell me why my question is wrong. I am a NES member (I just renewed, because I missed the expiration email) and could sell it here, but I chose not to. I already explained my reasons above. If you can't contribute to this thread constructively, please go elsewhere. I posted this earlier with a brief mention of the rifle in question, and was immediately accused of trying to circumvent the sales process on NES. When I complained that nobody was interested in answer my question, but only in attacking my motives, somebody apparently had a Moderator pull the thread.

So, does anyone have any information to add? I would think that dealers in the area would be happy to have the business, and I was surprised that this info isn't readily accessible. GunBroker also does not have a list of consignment sellers people could go to.

Thank you.
Look--I understand where you're coming from, but you need to try to be kinder to the folks on this website. You see, the botttom line here is--dude, they're f***ing retards. They don't KNOW any better, man--and most importantly, these people, these people they have nowhere else to go. There is no place else that will have them, even if they're willing to pay. They show their asses in autistic, gratuitously antisocial, belligerant, drunken, borderline-personality-type ways, and they get bounced. But here--here--they have a place of their own. A place they can call home. Clueless retards and stupid f***sticks and lowbrow dirt shooters and inately unhelpful faggot misanthropes--here on this website they have finally found a place where there are people like them, just like them, and their idiotic, unhelpful, lowbrow comments can be understood and accepted--if not celebrated. Where ELSE can total f***en morons with 10K, and 15K, and even 30K absolutely inane, heartless and socially incompetent posts STILL find themselves welcome, if not admired, by a group of their truest peers? So again--next time, before you make a kneejerk post complaining about why someone can't simply give you simple, actionable data in reponse to a simple forthright query, take a moment to stop and remember where you are. Please. You're at NorthEastShooters. And NorthEastShooters is a Very Special kind of place, for Very Special kind of people. Think of it this way: If you yourself were actually stupid enough to login and ask the question here in the first place--when there are so very many better choices for that sort of thing--well, whatever heartless, unhelpful gangbang you get you pretty much asked for, right? So next time you try to make a post looking to tap into and leverage a communal base of knowlege from what you expect to be normal decent properly-socialized human beings, try to remember that no, these are viscious retards, and this is their home, it belongs to them, not you--and you need to be kind. OK?

Hope this helps.

This is literally the easiest place to sell the gun and get the most money in a timely fashion, whats so hard?
To be fair there’s a lot of skinflints on NES and there can be a limited number of buyers for specific types of firearms. I couldn’t find anyone to buy my Dan Wesson 357 mag revolver with a 15" barrel a couple years ago. I gave up and sold it to a collector on the DW Forum.
So depending what the OP has, he MAY not have many potential buyers. But then again he hasn’t even tried listing it so he won’t know until he tries
OK, I give up. Nobody wants to answer my question. Fine.

I've already wasted too much time. Tomorrow I will call Carl at Four Seasons.

Have you reached out to Steve at Northeast Arms in Peabody?
Local Dealers who Sell on Consignment Through GunBroker?
I have an antique rifle that I want to sell. To get the best price, I think GunBroker will have the biggest audience. I've sold a few other rifles on consignment through GunBroker with a dealer in Littleton, but he's busy and not interested this time. There's actually no Federal paperwork required, but I don't want to deal with the time & hassle of shipping, payment issues, etc.

I know Four Seasons will do it, and they charge 18% commission. I've looked, and I haven't been able to find any sort of list of who sells on GunBroker, and what their commission rate is. I'm in Lexington, so Four Seasons would certainly be convenient.

Can anyone recommend other shops for this? Another option would be Kittery, because they get a LOT of traffic, but I don't know if they sell on consignment.

This is a simple straightforward question. Because this is an Internet forum, the first thing all the know-it-alls will do is tell me why my question is wrong. I am a NES member (I just renewed, because I missed the expiration email) and could sell it here, but I chose not to. I already explained my reasons above. If you can't contribute to this thread constructively, please go elsewhere. I posted this earlier with a brief mention of the rifle in question, and was immediately accused of trying to circumvent the sales process on NES. When I complained that nobody was interested in answer my question, but only in attacking my motives, somebody apparently had a Moderator pull the thread.

So, does anyone have any information to add? I would think that dealers in the area would be happy to have the business, and I was surprised that this info isn't readily accessible. GunBroker also does not have a list of consignment sellers people could go to.

Thank you.​
OP stated he wanted to use a FFL to list on Gunbroker "to get the best price". SHAME on the NES morons who suggested convenient alternatives for OP to obtain better net proceeds after accounting for commissions, final sale fees, etc. Yes we are the clueless retards and stupid f***sticks and lowbrow dirt shooters and innately unhelpful faggot misanthropes. At least we know how to spell.


Most of us also know how to either consider relevant advice or politely decline it.
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It's true there are a lot of skinflints on here, it's also true you can't get a lot of add on fees going through a FFL and auction. Try coming up with a good faith $$$ you want and maybe getting that right here, no tax no fees . This is simply a possible better route. There are lots of guys and gals interested in antique guns here.
Let's be honest, selling stuff here is a crap shoot. Lot's of the old time thrifty new englanders here. I've listed stuff here for way less than I've posted on other forums and it just sits. But other forums with larger exposure or more focused members and it sells quickly even with shipping factored in.

Is it something specific? Maybe a forum that specializes in that area would be a better place to list.

As for FFLs that do consignment. I think the 18% that you got from FS is what you should expect. I'm pretty sure GFA in Natick does consignment
Look--I understand where you're coming from, but you need to try to be kinder to the folks on this website. You see, the botttom line here is--dude, they're f***ing retards. They don't KNOW any better, man--and most importantly, these people, these people they have nowhere else to go. There is no place else that will have them, even if they're willing to pay. They show their asses in autistic, gratuitously antisocial, belligerant, drunken, borderline-personality-type ways, and they get bounced. But here--here--they have a place of their own. A place they can call home. Clueless retards and stupid f***sticks and lowbrow dirt shooters and inately unhelpful faggot misanthropes--here on this website they have finally found a place where there are people like them, just like them, and their idiotic, unhelpful, lowbrow comments can be understood and accepted--if not celebrated. Where ELSE can total f***en morons with 10K, and 15K, and even 30K absolutely inane, heartless and socially incompetent posts STILL find themselves welcome, if not admired, by a group of their truest peers? So again--next time, before you make a kneejerk post complaining about why someone can't simply give you simple, actionable data in reponse to a simple forthright query, take a moment to stop and remember where you are. Please. You're at NorthEastShooters. And NorthEastShooters is a Very Special kind of place, for Very Special kind of people. Think of it this way: If you yourself were actually stupid enough to login and ask the question here in the first place--when there are so very many better choices for that sort of thing--well, whatever heartless, unhelpful gangbang you get you pretty much asked for, right? So next time you try to make a post looking to tap into and leverage a communal base of knowlege from what you expect to be normal decent properly-socialized human beings, try to remember that no, these are viscious retards, and this is their home, it belongs to them, not you--and you need to be kind. OK?

Hope this helps.
One of the best rants I've read recently, despite the misspellings and really crappy formatting. (Page-long paragraphs are SO 1800s.)
OK, I give up. Nobody wants to answer my question. Fine.

I've already wasted too much time. Tomorrow I will call Carl at Four Seasons.

You should probably try to sell it here 1st. When I moved out of MA after my exit visa was approved I sold as much crap as I could here then I went onto consignment after. Reason being fees.

Selling stuff here isn't hard. It's annoying as f*** since 50% of the people who PM you are legally retarded but with some patience it's straight forward.

Remember, your item your rules. Spell out your terms clearly in the listing, keep all communication in ONE place and you'll be ok.
Look--I understand where you're coming from, but you need to try to be kinder to the folks on this website. You see, the botttom line here is--dude, they're f***ing retards. They don't KNOW any better, man--and most importantly, these people, these people they have nowhere else to go. There is no place else that will have them, even if they're willing to pay. They show their asses in autistic, gratuitously antisocial, belligerant, drunken, borderline-personality-type ways, and they get bounced. But here--here--they have a place of their own. A place they can call home. Clueless retards and stupid f***sticks and lowbrow dirt shooters and inately unhelpful faggot misanthropes--here on this website they have finally found a place where there are people like them, just like them, and their idiotic, unhelpful, lowbrow comments can be understood and accepted--if not celebrated. Where ELSE can total f***en morons with 10K, and 15K, and even 30K absolutely inane, heartless and socially incompetent posts STILL find themselves welcome, if not admired, by a group of their truest peers? So again--next time, before you make a kneejerk post complaining about why someone can't simply give you simple, actionable data in reponse to a simple forthright query, take a moment to stop and remember where you are. Please. You're at NorthEastShooters. And NorthEastShooters is a Very Special kind of place, for Very Special kind of people. Think of it this way: If you yourself were actually stupid enough to login and ask the question here in the first place--when there are so very many better choices for that sort of thing--well, whatever heartless, unhelpful gangbang you get you pretty much asked for, right? So next time you try to make a post looking to tap into and leverage a communal base of knowlege from what you expect to be normal decent properly-socialized human beings, try to remember that no, these are viscious retards, and this is their home, it belongs to them, not you--and you need to be kind. OK?

Hope this helps.

View attachment 865303
Look--I understand where you're coming from, but you need to try to be kinder to the folks on this website. You see, the botttom line here is--dude, they're f***ing retards. They don't KNOW any better, man--and most importantly, these people, these people they have nowhere else to go. There is no place else that will have them, even if they're willing to pay. They show their asses in autistic, gratuitously antisocial, belligerant, drunken, borderline-personality-type ways, and they get bounced. But here--here--they have a place of their own. A place they can call home. Clueless retards and stupid f***sticks and lowbrow dirt shooters and inately unhelpful faggot misanthropes--here on this website they have finally found a place where there are people like them, just like them, and their idiotic, unhelpful, lowbrow comments can be understood and accepted--if not celebrated. Where ELSE can total f***en morons with 10K, and 15K, and even 30K absolutely inane, heartless and socially incompetent posts STILL find themselves welcome, if not admired, by a group of their truest peers? So again--next time, before you make a kneejerk post complaining about why someone can't simply give you simple, actionable data in reponse to a simple forthright query, take a moment to stop and remember where you are. Please. You're at NorthEastShooters. And NorthEastShooters is a Very Special kind of place, for Very Special kind of people. Think of it this way: If you yourself were actually stupid enough to login and ask the question here in the first place--when there are so very many better choices for that sort of thing--well, whatever heartless, unhelpful gangbang you get you pretty much asked for, right? So next time you try to make a post looking to tap into and leverage a communal base of knowlege from what you expect to be normal decent properly-socialized human beings, try to remember that no, these are viscious retards, and this is their home, it belongs to them, not you--and you need to be kind. OK?

Hope this helps.

When you ultimately get half of what you can here…
Stop trying to help OP obtain the most cash in pocket for the sale. In this thread that makes you one of the "clueless retards and stupid f***sticks and lowbrow dirt shooters and innately unhelpful faggot misanthropes."

Nevermind that many trapdoors have been sold here...
OK, I give up. Nobody wants to answer my question. Fine.

I've already wasted too much time. Tomorrow I will call Carl at Four Seasons.

Lighten up Francis.

Before you lose money by consigning, just TRY to sell what you have on here. You might be pleasantly surprised....
Stop trying to help OP obtain the most cash in pocket for the sale. In this thread that makes you one of the "clueless retards and stupid f***sticks and lowbrow dirt shooters and innately unhelpful faggot misanthropes."

Nevermind that many trapdoors have been sold here...

I figured for all my shit posting I should occasionally be helpful.

My bad… 😞
When you ultimately get half of what you can here…
I'm not sure how you come to that conclusion. Consignor sets the price, not Carl. You get your price less his consignment fee. If you sell outright you usually only get 50% anywhere.
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