Bringing long guns to NY


NES Member
May 12, 2013
I’d rather be out hunting.
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I'll be visiting a friend who has a large property (several thousand acres) in upstate New York, and we were talking about me bringing some long guns along.

Can I as a MA resident bring a bolt action rifle and a shotgun to NY state without any permit and shoot on private property? I think the answer is "yes, legal", but this is NY after all...
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Not sure in your case, but I had no issues going to a skeet club just across the border, upstate. Things are very relaxed once you get over 100 miles away from NYC.
I'm wondering the same thing... If I go camping in upstate NY, can I bring a shotgun with me?
I hunt NY and never had a problem have even had interactions with DEC officers they are pretty relaxed upstate the only big no no is loaded gun in vehicle
Bumping up an old thread as a few guys at camp were discussing this and one of them is from Mass. He leaves his hunting guns in NY for the most part at his mothers house, he's 67 and grew up here. That being said, he transports his shotguns back and forth on occasion for small game hunting.
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