TN Senate Passes Bill Allowing Armed Teachers After Covenant School Shooter Struck School with Least Security


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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The Tennessee Senate passed legislation Tuesday which would allow teachers with concealed carry permits to undergo more training then carry guns on their K-12 campuses for classroom defense.

The passage of the bill comes just over a year after a 28-year-old transgender woman shot and killed six on a Christian school campus where no one was armed for classroom defense. Police went so far as to indicate that the transgender had initially planned to target another location but decided to go after the Christian school instead, because the Christian school had a lower level of security.

On Tuesday, the Tennessee Senate took action, passing legislation outlining the necessary training for teachers who volunteer to be armed to defend their classrooms.

The Tennessean reported that the bill passed on a party-line vote of 26-5.

Beth Gebhard, a mother whose two children were Covenant school on the day of the attack and survived, spoke out against armed teachers, going so far as to suggest her children might have died if teachers had been armed: “If what had happened on March 27 had gone down the way that it did with a teacher armed with a handgun attempting to put the perpetrator out, my children would likely be dead.”


The articles on the TN house passage of this bill all mention past school shooting incidents without noting that no armed staff/teachers were on site to respond, nor do they mention any incident where anyone was harmed by a lawfully armed staff/teacher at a school. Most mention “fierce opposition”, as though that should be enough to overturn the legislative outcome. Democrats seem to be all about majorities, except when they are in the minority.

The odds of an armed staff/teacher harming someone at school are very slim, even if only because the odds of school shootings are vanish ly slim.
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