The few, the proud, the physically fit


Staff Member
NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0

Marine Corps leaders initially balked at allowing women into certain infantry, reconnaissance and combat engineer jobs, pointing to studies that showed mixed gender units did not perform as well as male-only units. But Defense Secretary Ash Carter ordered all combat jobs must be open to women.

The Marines developed a detailed progression of physical standards that recruits must meet to get into the combat jobs. And officials insist that standards will not be lowered to allow more women to pass.

The results underscore the difficulties for women. Nearly 86 percent of the women failed the tests, compared to less than 3 percent of the men.
The only way to handle this. Put in place objective standards. Make everyone pass them. Who ever passes passes. Who ever proposes lowering the standards for women, gays, transgenders, purple skinned individuals, etc just shoot.
I can only hope that the USMC can hold to their own standards. With what's been happening, it'll be the biggest battle they've ever fought. The other services have already miserably caved in.

Received via email: (Written by Col (Ret) Fred Dibella) his name and read his complete article.

"Obama and his lackeys have now systematically laid the groundwork to accomplish what no battlefield enemy has ever done; that is, to emasculate the United States Military. I honestly don’t know how he could have done it more effectively. He’s dangerously downsized the force; he’s rooted out warriors like Stan McChrystal and Carter Ham from the General and Flag Officer ranks and installed puppets like George Casey and Martin Dempsey; he not only obliterated ‘Don’t ask, Don’t tell’; he searched long and hard to find an openly gay (and utterly unqualified) man to be Sec Army; he opened not just combat arms to women, but the absolute tips of the spear in Infantry, Armor and Artillery, and the predictable result is directives like “balance lactation support and readiness?”

Seriously? SERIOUSLY??? Balance lactation support and readiness!? "
The only way to handle this. Put in place objective standards. Make everyone pass them. Who ever passes passes. Who ever proposes lowering the standards for women, gays, transgenders, purple skinned individuals, etc just shoot.


overall divershitty has hurt this country and reducing standards in the Corps is just another facet of this shit show. It's not purely Barry's fault, but anyone who promotes staff statistics over merit, via race or gender or sexual self identification.
Army Airborne standard for men: six pull ups (and they usually flunk a few to weed out the weaklings, so 8-10).
Army Airborne standard for women: "20 second hang."

Army Airborne standard for men: six pull ups (and they usually flunk a few to weed out the weaklings, so 8-10).
Army Airborne standard for women: "20 second hang."


I'm afraid to ask about Airforce [laugh] Women should generally do better, knowing how to match accessories and display flair.

it was a custom for new submariners to drink a cup of salt water. I'd imagine in the new PC navy, it would be replaced with just licking .... something salty [rofl]
Hmmmmm, there is a good chance the next conflict the US military gets into will involve Muslims. Seeing as how they view woman and children as playthings, punching bags and possessions they can discard/kill on a whim I'm not really sure they will halt an attack so our ladies on the front line can nurse their babies. Just a hunch.
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