GOAL Board of Directors


NES Member
Mar 27, 2007
New Hampshire
Feedback: 34 / 0 / 0
I'm on the ballot for a position on the GOAL BoD.
I believe the board needs fresh blood and should express the membership beliefs of not just the average hunter, but that of the everyday gun owner. Be it an individual who owns a variety of firearms as a collection, a pistol for CCW, or an AR for all around shooting.
GOAL members in good standing for 3+ years, Sustaining, Benefactor & Patron members can vote!

Ballots should be mailed to these members shortly, I'll update this thread as more information becomes available.

Thank you.
Joe Currie
Good luck Joe. You'd have my vote if I was able to cast a ballot. New blood is usually a good thing although there is a learning curve.
Joe, you're a good man. I'm glad you'll be looking out for our collective best interests!

Good going for stepping up. I'll vote for you.

The other thing is how to grow the organization, and pull in not only members, but the general mindshare as well. I have said it before, and will say it again, GOAL needs to reach out to the law enforcement branch. They could use the NRA competitions as a starting place, and also offer legal seminars, etc. It would sure be nice to have police chiefs up there standing behind firearms bills GOAL is in favor of than to have them on the other side. The other part is general outreach (billboards, papers, etc.) and FUNDRAISING in order to do this.

Just some food for thought. Either way, you've got another vote here.
I would be very interested in your thoughts on:

1. What is GOAL doing right (ie, what would you NOT try to change as a board member)

2. What opportunities for improvement exist, and what, if any, current practices/strategies would you try to change if elected to the board?
I strongly suggest that anyone interested in running for GOAL BOD attend some BOD meetings and get an understanding of what the BOD does and what the BOD can NOT do!

Having served on the BOD of a non-profit org before, it was eye-opening to see how little power the BOD has (at least in those orgs) in how the org runs.

I know a number of people who have served on the GOAL BOD in the past and from talking with them, I think that they would agree with my comments.
Just filled mine out and do not like how this is done.

Does anybody else not like the ballot? One that can easily copied and filled out by folks who are not elligable. Or filled out by one person and mailed in. There is no place for membership number or confirmation of who you are.
Just filled mine out and do not like how this is done.

Does anybody else not like the ballot? One that can easily copied and filled out by folks who are not elligable. Or filled out by one person and mailed in. There is no place for membership number or confirmation of who you are.

It's a secret ballot.

Thanks for starting this thread. I just found mine buried in a stack of other correspondence. Today is a good day to vote.

Concerning the issues of voting secrecy and making copies of the ballot. It might be a little costly but I would think that the ballots could be printed on water-marked (if I am using the term correctly) paper which would make copying difficult if not impossible.
It's a secret ballot.

Secret in what way? What is to say that a person makes several copies to insure his being elected to the board? There is nothing secret about this ballot. The ballot that I marked and mailed in was printed on my printer at home. It has nothing secret about it except that ones name is not on it. Nothing distinctive about it that would differentiate it from another. The ballots should be mailed to only those members that are elligable and have a member number or other marking system that prevents fraud.

It will be interesting to see how this voting turns out. Does GOAL publish the final vote tally?
Secret in what way? What is to say that a person makes several copies to insure his being elected to the board? There is nothing secret about this ballot. The ballot that I marked and mailed in was printed on my printer at home. It has nothing secret about it except that ones name is not on it. Nothing distinctive about it that would differentiate it from another. The ballots should be mailed to only those members that are eligible and have a member number or other marking system that prevents fraud.

It will be interesting to see how this voting turns out. Does GOAL publish the final vote tally?

Secret wrt who voted for whom.

In the past, I received a printed ballot in SnailMail, now they are cutting costs (nothing wrong with that) and Emailing it to those on their Email list.

I have no further knowledge of any vetting process wrt ballots. Perhaps they match the return address/name with their internal list of eligible voters and check off as received?

I doubt that many vote and it's not usually an issue. There usually aren't more than 1 or 2 people running against those incumbent. This year is unique with 12 candidates for 6 slots. I don't recall ever seeing that before and I've been a member since 1978.

Likewise, I've never seen or heard a tally of how many votes anyone received and I've attended a lot of annual meetings where the results are announced.
It is almost at the bottom of the email titled, "Gun Owners' Action League 2010 Annual Report" that was sent on 01/06/2011. You must be a member in good standing for at least 3 years or a sustaining member to vote.
It is almost at the bottom of the email titled, "Gun Owners' Action League 2010 Annual Report" that was sent on 01/06/2011. You must be a member in good standing for at least 3 years or a sustaining member to vote.

That's it? No real ballot? I have an email folder where all that stuff goes, which I check like maybe biweekly or maybe once a month. Thanks for the heads up.
That's it? No real ballot? I have an email folder where all that stuff goes, which I check like maybe biweekly or maybe once a month. Thanks for the heads up.

Ding, Ding, Ding! Winner!
This ballot system is fraught with fraud possibilities. Only to save $$. If you don't have the email, PM me your email address and I'll forward it to you. [wink]
It's a secret ballot.

Secret wrt who voted for whom.

In the past, I received a printed ballot in SnailMail, now they are cutting costs (nothing wrong with that) and Emailing it to those on their Email list.

I have no further knowledge of any vetting process wrt ballots. Perhaps they match the return address/name with their internal list of eligible voters and check off as received?

I doubt that many vote and it's not usually an issue. There usually aren't more than 1 or 2 people running against those incumbent. This year is unique with 12 candidates for 6 slots. I don't recall ever seeing that before and I've been a member since 1978.

Likewise, I've never seen or heard a tally of how many votes anyone received and I've attended a lot of annual meetings where the results are announced.

Adam, Nicole and I were talking about this Monday Night. What's to stop me from taking a stack of copies to my club, passing them out and asking them to fill it out and mail it in? Or anyone that's got an interest on who's running? If I were to give you an envelope with a stamp and already addressed, where's the return address?

You don't need to add one to send a letter.

I'm with Adam on this one...I'm not sure that I like this Secret Ballot. I would think that it wouldn't be that hard to figure out a way to do this on the cheap, but lessen the chance that someone could do something fishy to get elected.
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