"Court: Stolen Valor Act Unconstitutional" or, "Lying is protected by the 1st"


NES Member
Mar 5, 2008
New Bedford, MA
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Wow..... here's some B.S.

March 24, 2011
McClatchy-Tribune Information Services

PASADENA -- The Stolen Valor Act, under which former water board member Xavier Alvarez was fined and ordered to perform community service in 2007, was upheld as being unconstitutional.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an earlier ruling determining that a law barring people from lying about their military heroics was a violation of free speech.

Full story on military.com
Nope, it's not BS. If this law is upheld, where does the line end? Sorry, this isn't about people who lie about military service. This is about people who lie about anything. If they are not committing fraud (the criminal definition), then they can lie away. Very rarely do these DBs who can't stand that they are losers do not commit some form of fraud, so I don't see why this law is even needed much less a smart idea. In fact, this guy actually did commit fraud in another context and you will note his lie about his service caused further scrutiny which uncovered his other fraud.
Nothing surprises me anymore. Of course, the precedent has already been set by former and present CIC's, lawmakers (Senators Kerry and Kennedy come to mind), ad infinitum. Moral decay is apparently quite contagious. What these posers need is some swift vigilante justice.
The victims are those who served honorably.Having some douche claiming a title that he didn't earn turning peoples stomachs with stories he got from an assortment of movies and mis-representing their service is a crime.
No victim, no crime....................................................

Only in the eyes of the beholder. I venture to say that if you've lost friends in action and have friends maimed from action, you consider it a crime. Speak nothing of the many thousands who have fought for our freedoms so idiots can pretend to be heroes. BS!
...Very rarely do these DBs who can't stand that they are losers do not commit some form of fraud...

Yup, here's another...

A man charged with trying to land a six-figure job by faking a background as an Army general has waived a preliminary hearing in Ohio.

A federal magistrate judge ordered Randall Thomas Keyser of Barboursville, W.Va., held without bond after he waived a preliminary hearing and detention hearing Tuesday in Akron.....

They should just be forced to wear a large "L" stenciled into their foreheads.
Belay that.
Stenciling is too "military-retro" for the likes of them.

upheld as being unconstitutional.
I thought laws were "upheld as being unconstitutional" and "struck down as being unconstitutional".

Yup, here's another...
A man charged with trying to land a six-figure job by faking a background as an Army general has waived a preliminary hearing in Ohio.

A federal magistrate judge ordered Randall Thomas Keyser of Barboursville, W.Va., held without bond after he waived a preliminary hearing and detention hearing Tuesday in Akron.....
Elsewhere on Barboursville Newswire...


Hybrid verdict:
May be crazy -
but Not Guilty.
"The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an earlier ruling determining that a law barring people from lying about their military heroics was a violation of free speech."

What about the free speech of all those killed or missing in action ?
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