Code of Conduct

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Staff Member
NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
Respect Others

We encourage everyone to treat each other with mutual respect. Do not use any communication or collaboration services to threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse others participating in these forums.

Northeast reserves the right to remove posts that advocate or encourage expressions of violence, bigotry, racism, hatred, pornography, or profanity.

Northeast may remove postings that are deemed inappropriate, offensive or that violate guidelines or this Code of Conduct. Northeast may also eject or ban any user from their area who behaves in a manner deemed inappropriate, offensive or who violates guidelines or this Code of Conduct. By participating in our members forum, you agree to be bound to the rules of that area.

Keep It Legal

Northeast does not allow any illegal activities. You cannot use Northeast’s services to publish, post, distribute, or disseminate defamatory, infringing, obscene, or other unlawful material or information, specifically, but not limited to, child pornography, bestiality and incest. Also, you may not use these forums for posting information relating to illegal drugs.

You may not use any of our discussion boards for the purpose of linking to external sites that violate this Code of Conduct. Do not post messages that contain materials protected by intellectual property laws, rights of privacy or publicity or any other applicable law unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents. Northeast is not responsible for any use of anything you say or post.

Do not post any materials (including software and other information) that could harm (or is designed to harm) other users' computers or would allow others to inappropriately access software or Web sites.

Don't Spam

Please don't "spam" through our discussionboards, none of our members like it. To spam includes sending identical and irrelevant submissions to many different discussion groups. Usually such postings have nothing to do with the particular topic of the group or are of no real interest to those on the mailing list. To spam also includes misrepresenting the source of anything you say or post. Spamming is a serious violation of online etiquette.

Northeast reserves the right to ban a user at any time, without notice, from any or all services for spamming.

Uphold the Code

In helping to make our members services a great place to meet, chat and exchange samples, you must do your part to uphold this Code of Conduct.

Northeast also reserves our right to amend or change the Code of Conduct at any time without notice. You agree to periodically review this document to ensure you are doing your part.

Northeast is not obligated to send users or hosts a warning before deleting any content.

Thanks for following this Code of Conduct and joining the Northeast Community!
Your 1st Amendment Rights and This Forum - Read this.

Censorship is defined as follows:

"The suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient as determined by a censor."

Yeah. We practice censorship, and we do it for a good reason.

One of the goals of this site is to promote and preserve our 2nd Amendment rights. The best way to do this is to get as many people involved in shooting as possible. Like it or not, acting like a bunch of idiots is contrary to this goal. We have all kinds of people stopping by here for a variety of reasons. The more that stay, the better it is for all of us. If you post something that we think will drive people away, we're going to remove it.

However, if one of us deletes your post or issues you an infraction, please don't accuse us of denying you your 1st Amendment rights. We've heard it dozens of times, and it sounds like whining every time.

Here's the text of the 1st Amendment:

The Bill Of Rights said:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Look at the first word there. NES isn't Congress - NES is private property. Everybody here with the exception of Derek is a guest.

The best analogy I can come up with is that NES is like a big party at Derek's house. You're all invited, and everybody is having a good time. A mod is a combination waiter and bouncer. If you need something, ask a waiter and he or she will get it for you. Start smashing bottles or pissing on the furniture, and a bouncer will ask you to knock it off. Keep it up, and you'll get thrown out.

A green membership does not entitle you to do whatever you want. Think of it as being at the party, and chipping in for the pizza and beer. Just because you helped pay for the Old Milwaukee doesn't mean you can scream F-bombs out the window at the neighbors.

As far as censorship goes, if you post something objectionable, it's going to get deleted. Not by Congress, but by a mod or admin. Your First Amendment rights are still intact - If you can't live with getting your post deleted, you're still free to start your own forum and post whatever the hell you want on it.

We've posted some guidelines to try to define what we mean by 'objectionable', but keep in mind that the posting guidelines do not cover everything. The mods take the Potter Stewart approach - "Objectionable is hard to define, but I know it when I see it".
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Don't post or PM anything that you don't want everybody to read.

If you send a private message, you're trusting the person at the other end to keep it private. What they do with it is their business. If you send another member a PM and they post the content in open forum, please do not expect the mods or admins of NES to clean it up, or to discipline the other member. If you really want to keep something private, don't send it.

Remember: Nobody ever got into trouble by keeping his mouth shut.
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We're not going to tolerate any more religion arguments. Period.

When/if it happens, the thread will be closed regardless of what else is in it. Nothing good ever comes out of it, and those threads always end badly.

Whoever starts the argument will be warned, and if they keep it up they'll be banned.

The problem isn't holy rollers proselytizing, because there's not much of that here. The problem is atheists openly ridiculing others' beliefs.

If you repeatedly feel the need to go out of your way to crap on religious people, you're getting a vacation.

You are all more than welcome to have a nice civilized discussion on religion. Just don't do it on NES.
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