Action Urged on Governor's Lawful Citizen Imprisonment Act


NES Member
Nov 21, 2007
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Action Urged on Governor's Lawful Citizen Imprisonment Act

Gun Owners' Action League is urging its members to contact the members of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary and ask them to send H3991 "An Act to Reduce Gun Violence" to a study. The Governor's bill H3991, otherwise known as the "Lawful Citizens Imprisonment Act", would punish those who lawfully purchase more than one rifle, shotgun, firearm, machine gun, large capacity weapon or large capacity feeding device in any 30-day period shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by imprisonment for not more than 2 ½ years, or both, for a first offense; and for any subsequent offense shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment for not more than 2 ½ years in a house of correction or not more than 5 years in the state prison, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The same punishment exists in the bill for the licensed dealer who lawfully sells the products.

"There doesn't appear to be any attempt in this bill to address illegal sales of firearms other than to make a normally lawful transaction an illegal act," said Jim Wallace Executive Director of Gun Owners' Action League. "The only people this bill punishes is lawfully licensed citizens. Imagine an elected official filling legislation that would imprison a lawfully licensed citizen for purchasing a lawful product from a lawfully licensed retailer where both the retailer and the citizen go to prison for doing nothing wrong and harming no one! Well that is precisely what this bill does."

H3991 is one of the few bills that has not been acted upon by the committee and is being held under an extension order until June 12, 2008. GOAL is urging all of our members to contact the members of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary and ask them to put this bill into a study and to perhaps release a bill in the future that punishes the acts of criminals rather than legislation that persecutes lawful citizens for taking part in lawful commerce.

Members appointed to the committee:

Creedon of Second Plymouth and Bristol (Senate Chair)
Baddour of First Essex
Antonioni of Worcester and Middlesex
Creem of First Middlesex and Norfolk
McGee of Third Essex and Middlesex
Tarr of First Essex and Middlesex
O'Flaherty of Chelsea (House Chair)
Finegold of Andover
Naughton of Clinton
J. M. Murphy of Weymouth
Peisch of Wellesley
Curran of Springfield
J. D. Keenan of Salem
Walz of Boston
Fernandes of Milford
Evangelidis of Holden
Webster of Hanson

Dear Committee Member,

Gun Owners’ Action League would like to remind you that we strongly oppose Governor Patrick’s proposed legislation H3991, “An Act to Reduce Gun Violence”, commonly referred to as the “One Gun a Month Bill”. This bill has become known to our members as the “Lawful Citizen Imprisonment Act”.

The premise of the bill is that the lawful gun owners of Massachusetts are responsible for the illegal gun trade in the Commonwealth. H3991 makes it a crime for a licensed gun owner to purchase more than one firearm (handgun), rifle, shotgun, large capacity weapon, large capacity feeding device or machine gun from a licensed firearm dealer in a 30 day period. The punishment for the first offense is a fine of not more than $1,000 and/or a sentence of not more than 2 ½ years in a house of correction. It should be clear that there is nothing in this legislation that addresses the acts of criminals dealing in illegal firearms.

The process for obtaining a License to Carry Firearms and the purchasing of firearms are both quite extensive, as shown in the attached document. However, even after the background checks and training, a law abiding citizen may be thrown in jail for buying more than one gun in a month’s time. How would that deter crime? The criminals committing gun related crimes do not go through the proper channels to get licensed and purchase guns legally-so changing the law will not affect them or gun related crime. The law abiding citizens of the Commonwealth should not be punished for the actions of criminals.

We urge you to send this bill to study and to perhaps release a bill in the future that punishes the acts of criminals rather than legislation that persecutes lawful citizens for taking part in lawful commerce.


James L. Wallace

Executive Director
Gun Owners' Action League is urging its members to contact the members of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary and ask them to send H3991 "An Act to Reduce Gun Violence" to a study.

So spell this one out for me. We are to contact whichever one of those names represent us or all of them? I've looked and my city isn't represented by any of the people on that list.
In this case we are targeting the Committee as a whole rather than your specific legislator. If you can only contact a few, it is best to start with the Senate and House Chairs.
Got them all, e-mail, took about 10 minutes. Anybody else spare 10 minutes?
Just do it right now, I bet you have the time.[wink]
The GOAL Outdoor Message this month front page said because of all the BS that these anti gun reps in our state that the gun licenses used to be a number as high as 1,500,000 and now its down to 240,000.....?? Because they are making things here so tough. This needs to change, we have to vote these gun grabbers out.

Yeah I got the time to do my part!
And a sample email if you would care to send it

I strongly oppose Governor Patrick’s proposed legislation H3991, “An Act to Reduce Gun Violence”, commonly referred to as the “One Gun a Month Bill”.

The premise of the bill is that the lawful gun owners of Massachusetts are responsible for the illegal gun trade in the Commonwealth. One only needs to reference a recent Boston based news expose on the illegal gun trade to understand how preposterous that is. They had to go to another state to find people willing to straw purchase or illegally sell them firearms and then they interviewed a local Boston gangbanger who clearly stated that it only cost him $100-$150 for a typical 9 MM handgun. As a law abiding gun owner I can not purchase the rattiest of 9mm for less than $300 and $550 new. Let's review how this bill makes criminals out of law abiding citizens and does nothing to stop gun violence.

* H3991 does not serve as an effective "cooling off period".
The LTC application ensure a minimum of 6 weeks for that, as if someone who wishes to do harm to others would bother with getting a license in the first place.

* H3991 does nothing to stop trafficking of firearms.
It is not economically rational that one would purchase for $300 a firearm for resale on the street when the going street price for said firearm is $150. Criminals are obtaining their firearms a different way and it would behoove this committee to focus on that in order to have any real effect on the gun violence problem in this state.

* H3991 does illegally restrain trade.
All this does is further put restraints on the lawful purchase of firearms by law abiding citizens and does NOTHING to prevent the real criminals from continuing to obtain firearms.

I implore you to please not trample on my 2nd amendment rights to score political points for some security theater when you could, with only a little more effort, actually make a difference in stopping gun violence by focusing on the criminals who purchase these illegal firearms.
The Governor's bill H3991, otherwise known as the "Lawful Citizens Imprisonment Act", would punish those who lawfully purchase more than one rifle, shotgun, firearm, machine gun, large capacity weapon or large capacity feeding device in any 30-day period shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by imprisonment for not more than 2 ½ years, or both, for a first offense; and for any subsequent offense shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment for not more than 2 ½ years in a house of correction or not more than 5 years in the state prison, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The same punishment exists in the bill for the licensed dealer who lawfully sells the products.

Could this cocksucker of a governer be any more in your face with his outrageous thinking? f*** YOU DEVAL PATRICK YOU COMMUNIST BASTARD!!!

Pay close attention to the last line in the video.......
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While the Governor orders restrictions on the use of CORI to hire convicted felons into positions funded by Human Services, and now strives to reduce from 15 years to 10 years the time needed to seal a felony record, he files a bill that would prevent licensed, law-abiding citizens from purchasing firearms in a lawful manner. I have no words that can express my outrage. This state is an embarrassment. No wonder we are the laughing stock of the nation. Please do not under any circumstances approve this insanity.

<Wayne Wong>

Seems like putting the finger in the dyke. But, you've always got to run the ball out.

Seems like putting the finger in the dyke. But, you've always got to run the ball out.

I really believe If enough people contact them it will make them think twice. I have heard that one reason the AWB did not come up for vote was it in 2002? was because the Dems voted against it since they attributed this as to why they lost the majority in the House and Senate way back when the originally voted for it.

Kerry is coming up soon for re election we should vote against him, and every other Dem in this state that does not support our 2nd amendment rights.
Send H.3991 To Study or outright vote it out "Ought Not To Pass"

Chariman Creedon and Chairman O’Flaherty,

Governor Deval Patrick made several statements in the letter that prefaces this bill. First he writes that “Illegal firearms flow into the Commonwealth and end up in the hands of felons and young people.” He continues by saying “...this legislation shrinks the supply of illegal guns, by limiting gun buyers to one firearm purchase per month, reducing gun trafficking by “straw purchasers” who purchase firearms for prohibited buyers.

Simply put, the Governor puts the blame for the illegal firearms flow into the Commonwealth on the law-abiding firearms owners in this State. By the making of this accusation and attempting to pass this law into effect he is also violating our Constitutional right of due process under the law. By submitting this bill, the Governor is acting as Judge, Jury and Executioner and passing sentence upon the law-abiding firearms owners of Massachusetts without any proof of wrongful doing.

In truth, this bill as “crime control” is a fraud. It cannot be applied to criminals – only to the law-abiding. A law which restricts the liberty of the innocent because of the behavior of the guilty, that rests on the principle that the conduct of criminals dictates the scope of liberty the law will allow to the rest of society, in no sense “fights” crime.

Today California, Maryland and Virginia have instituted such laws. Governor Deval Patrick has pointed to those States as having success with this kind of law. However, we all know it didn’t stop the tragedy at Virginia Tech and it won’t curb violent crime in Massachusetts either. In 2004 the South Carolina legislature repealed their one-gun-a-month law because it had the exact opposite effect on the violent crime rate.

Massachusetts needs to decide what kind of "inhabitants" it wants. Do we want law-abiding firearm owners who bear no one ill will and simply want the basic right of self-defense or do we want our limited acres inhabited by illegal aliens and gangbangers killing each other daily costing us millions in tax dollars in Police protection (putting our Officers at risk) each year? Would the Judiciary Committee vote to take the rights away of those like Jeanne Assam who stopped an armed intruder in a New Life Church in Denver on December 9, 2007? If the Judiciary Committee votes in favor of this bill – it will be doing just that.

So, we are writing once again, asking the Judiciary Committee to help educate the Governor in the error of his ways. We call on the Judiciary Committee to explain to the Governor the hateful, insulting nature of his remarks and this legislation. We call on the Judiciary Committee to help the Governor understand the simple truth that he won't stop violence in Boston by perpetrating legislative violence on ordinary, law-abiding citizens in this district or any other district in the State.

Email sent. It got a bit wordy but maybe one or two will read the whole thing.

I strongly oppose Governor Patrick’s proposed legislation H3991, “An Act to Reduce Gun Violence”, commonly referred to as the “One Gun a Month Bill”.

I am an honorably discharged U.S. Navy veteran and have resided in Massachusetts for my entire life. I am a licensed gun owner and I am also licensed by the BATF as a collector of curio and relic firearms. My ancestors came to this country on the Mayflower, helped to secure our independence from Britain, fought in our wars and worked tirelessly to help build this nation for generations. I cherish the principles on which our nation was founded and am very proud of the role that Massachusetts has played in securing the freedoms that we as American citizens enjoy. I try to pass on this rich and proud history to my family. However I cannot help but notice recent trends towards erosion of the rights of the citizen in response to the "crisis of the month". I am deeply concerned about acts of "knee-jerk" or "feel good" legislation that only serve to criminalize those who have gone to great lengths to live by the rules while those who commit violent crimes and prey on the helpless ignore the laws to continue their crusades of evil unabated.

The premise of the bill is that the lawful gun owners of Massachusetts are responsible for the illegal gun trade in the Commonwealth. H3991 makes it a crime for a licensed gun owner to purchase more than one firearm (handgun), rifle, shotgun, large capacity weapon, large capacity feeding device or machine gun from a licensed firearm dealer in a 30 day period. The punishment for the first offense is a fine of not more than $1,000 and/or a sentence of not more than 2 ½ years in a house of correction. It should be clear that there is nothing in this legislation that addresses the acts of criminals dealing in illegally possessed firearms.

Impaired and reckless driving costs more lives and causes more injury and pain than gun crime in Massachusetts. I have witnessed firsthand over and over again the results of impaired and reckless driving. However I see no sense in restricting beer purchases to one case a month or mandating that vehicles be governed so as not to be able to exceed 70 MPH. Rather, the laws that address these issues are focused towards the perpetrator of the crime rather than the inanimate objects that are employed in an unlawful manner in the commission of the crime. When these basic and simple laws are violated, the person is brought before the Commonwealth to answer for these acts. For some odd reason however, be it fear or a lack of education "gun crimes" are treated differently. The "assault weapons" ban which was retained by Massachusetts even though it expired elsewhere in the United States restricts such things as an adjustable rifle stock and bayonet mounts on weapons. I cannot remember ever hearing of street gangs or carjackers deploying bayonets in the furtherance of their crimes. Criminalizing an adjustable rifle stock only makes it more difficult for citizens of small stature to handle a rifle, be it to hunt, target shoot, or protect their family and home.

It is time that the "gun control" laws in Massachusetts be overhauled. They were enacted with the best of intentions but have proven to be wholly ineffective in reducing crimes committed with firearms. If a criminal is willing to ignore the the laws that state it is illegal to rob or kill, volumes of firearm restrictions and regulations will slow him no further. "Gun Free Zones" are facetiously referred to as "Unarmed Victim Zones". Our existing laws are so complicated and convoluted that many police officers do not understand them and those that do understand them are keenly aware of their ineffectiveness in dealing with crime. More is not always better! Consider the absurdity of a police officer shouting at a fleeing purse snatcher, "Stop, or I'll yell 'Stop!' again!" - allowing the criminal to escape - and then taking the shoes away from the victim so that she could not run away. This absurdity is played over and over with gun laws that only address the manifestation of a problem rather than its root cause. The focus needs to be shifted away from the means of the crime and focused on the person who commits the act.

Should this “One Gun a Month Bill" pass, it will no doubt be heralded by its creators as a progressive step towards fighting gun crime in Massachusetts. One wonders if anyone has actually reviewed records which are required to be kept concerning gun purchases, and how many multiple purchases have resulted in a firearm being used in a crime by its owner. I fear that this bill is another chip from the rights of the citizen in response to a perceived crisis that will have no effect against crime. As a parent, a veteran and citizen I implore you to take whatever measures are in your power to defeat this bill and other bills that would only create more crimes - and thus criminals - instead of reducing those already being committed.

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State House News Today: URGENT!

The governor is actively discussing anti-crime legislation with lawmakers, his top public safety aide told the News Service on Tuesday. “I think there’s been movement recently, real discussion,” Secretary of Public Safety Kevin Burke said. “The governor’s pushing hard. Both branches are listening.” Patrick filed legislation in April 2007 to reduce gun violence (H 3991) and to govern post-release supervision of convicts (H 500), and both have been awaiting action in the Judiciary Committee since April 2007. A third bill, revising employer access to criminal records (H 4476), has been in the same committee since this past January. Late last month, the Legislature extended the deadline to report on those bills until June 12. Burke said the governor “views that as a good thing” because it means the Legislature is giving his bills a chance. In December, Burke attended a Judiciary Committee hearing and delivered a stern message from the governor, slamming committee leaders for taking up a death penalty bill and delaying action on his crime package. Burke’s remarks drew a sharp response from the committee’s chairmen, Rep. Eugene O’Flaherty and Sen. Robert Creedon.
Just for a little political education. On of the reasons we ask for bills to be put into study once in a while is that if a bill is released by a committee as "ought not to pass", the bill is still released and the legislature can then act on it as they wish. The legislature as a whole does not have to act on the committee's recommendation. Once released, the main body may actually pass the bill if it wishes. However, if the bill remains in a study, it remains within the committee and cannot be acted on by the legislature until it is released. Very seldom does a bill ever come our of study once it is in there.

Just thought some of you might want to know.
Evangelidis, Lewis - Rep. (HOU) [[email protected]]

"Dear Jon,

Thanks for bringing this bill to my attention and having an A+ rating from GOAL, I certainly will continue to watch this bill with interest. I have heard from a number of my sportsmen and GOAL members and will not be supporting this bill when I have the opportunity to weigh in. The Judiciary Committee has until June 12th to release this bill, otherwise it will be sent to study. I hope you are doing well and enjoying the nice weather.



Dear Committee Members,

I strongly oppose Governor Patrick’s proposed legislation H3991, “An Act to Reduce Gun Violence”, commonly referred to as the “One Gun a Month Bill”.

Licensed gun pwners are of the highest character. The standards we must meet exceed the requirements for any other type of license granted by the Commonwealth.

Shame on the Governor for proposing such drivel! One cannot reduce crime by creating criminals!

Please keep H3991 in committee!


Jon Green
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