You might be a gun nut if...

May 26, 2005
northeast MA
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...You just spent two hours sorting through several years worth of accumulated change because you’re going to a gun show in two weeks and want to have more cash on hand.

We just learned that our bank has installed coin sorting machines (we both have direct deposit, so consequently don’t actually go into the bank all that often). We have a one gallon glass jug filled to the top with pennies, and I’ve been saving all other change in a big honkin’ jar for several years. I’d also been saving all the state quarters (yes, I know it’s hard to believe, but I’m a dork of the highest order who collects coins. Numismatics rule!) and had been saving all of them up to now.

I’ve got $167 that I know of (mostly in quarters, although I’ve got a roll of dimes and a roll of nickels from G-d alone knows how long ago). Unknown at this point what half a mason jar worth of dimes, two full mason jars worth of nickels, and the aforementioned jug ‘o’ pennies holds.

All this so I can piss it away in two weeks.

My name is Jay, and I am a gun nut…
Heres one.... Two of my sheet metal safes are bolted up inside my closet in the bedroom. They're used for the rifles I shoot more often and a place to put the occasional stragglers that i'm sometimes too lazy to put in the correct safe after a long day of shooting. Some nights I'll leave the doors open after putting rifles away.
Its only after i've been out of the room for a while that I can come back in and notice the smell of BLO soaked stocks mixing with Tung Oil finished ones, Break Free coated barrels and receivers, and the faint odor of re-warmed cosmolene after it a warm barrel releases some out of the inside of an old stock. Then I'll flop down on the bed, turn on the tv, and enjoy the rich smell of firearm history emanating from the closet as Finn Mosins mix with Turk Mausers, maybe a Yugoslavian SKS rubbing elbows with a Swiss K31.[smile]
Such an odd but intoxicating smell when they're all hanging out together and not in their own assigned safes.
Crazy ain't it? [smile]
jhrosier said:
you have ammo and you can't remember if you have a gun that fits it.[thinking]

Equally bad: I inherited a bunch of guns from my grandfather. In amongst the gun paraphenalia were several M1 Garand clips. And .44-40 ammo.

Needless to say, there was no M1 Garand or .44-40 Winchester to go with said ammo...

But man, did I tear through the other boxes of stuff I got from my grandfather just HOPING there'd be a Garand in it...

And M4M, I have an opposite problem: I have no sense of smell, and my wife *hates* the smell of Hoppes #9. Which means I more or less have to clean the guns out in the garage... [shocked]
Milsurps 4 Me said:
Heres one.... Two of my sheet metal safes are bolted up inside my closet in the bedroom. They're used for the rifles I shoot more often and a place to put the occasional stragglers that i'm sometimes too lazy to put in the correct safe after a long day of shooting. Some nights I'll leave the doors open after putting rifles away.
Its only after i've been out of the room for a while that I can come back in and notice the smell of BLO soaked stocks mixing with Tung Oil finished ones, Break Free coated barrels and receivers, and the faint odor of re-warmed cosmolene after it a warm barrel releases some out of the inside of an old stock. Then I'll flop down on the bed, turn on the tv, and enjoy the rich smell of firearm history emanating from the closet as Finn Mosins mix with Turk Mausers, maybe a Yugoslavian SKS rubbing elbows with a Swiss K31.[smile]
Such an odd but intoxicating smell when they're all hanging out together and not in their own assigned safes.
Crazy ain't it? [smile]

Damn. That is some of the best prose I've read in ages. You are one heck of a writer!
jhrosier said:
you have ammo and you can't remember if you have a gun that fits it.[thinking]

Or reloading dies for a caliber in a rifle I think I had three years ago.
You know you a gun nut if.....

And I honestly know someone that has this. 3 fridges, 2 are filled w/guns and gun stuff, 1 is in used for food.Thats a jeff foxworthy joke. But I know the guy!
If you run across some ammo at a good price and buy it, without knowing what gun you might have that it works in, but simply assuming that you must have at least one or two.

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