I just saw this from the Detroit Free Press regarding the spree killing couple in Michigan.
Net result:
a 27-year old man - murdered
his 27-year old wife, pregnant with their first child at the time - murdered
a 52-year-old father - murdered
But, hey, no harm no foul. It's not as if it was the state's job to protect people.
Just four months after he got out of prison, Selepak -- who spent 10 years behind bars on armed robbery convictions -- was charged with misdemeanor domestic assault involving another girlfriend. That happened in early November 2005. The assault charge was a parole violation, and he was shipped off to Parnall Correctional Facility at Jackson. A hearing was to be scheduled before an administrative law examiner within 45 days.
But Russ Marlan, a spokesman for the Department of Corrections, told the Associated Press that the corrections worker who should have scheduled the hearing didn't do it. The Jackson prison staff decided to place Selepak back on parole and released him Jan. 10 after realizing he had been held longer than 45 days.
Net result:
a 27-year old man - murdered
his 27-year old wife, pregnant with their first child at the time - murdered
a 52-year-old father - murdered
But, hey, no harm no foul. It's not as if it was the state's job to protect people.