Worst 10 states for auto-deer collisions


Staff Member
NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
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I would have guessed Wisconsin because of the huge deer population. I guess with the low human population the collisions aren't as frequent.
Hell, we didn't even make the list.

But I had a feeling that Ohio would be on there. When I lived in Ohio, I don't think that there was someone that I knew that either didn't hit one, or someone in thier family had hit one.

There are A LOT of deer in Ohio.
derek said:


I would have guessed Wisconsin because of the huge deer population. I guess with the low human population the collisions aren't as frequent.

Man I hate seeing this. ANOTHER deer in an accident while not wearing their seatbelt. When will they learn? [cry] I bet there was some alcohol involved.
Doesn't surprise me about PA. When we went down to Paragon park,the amount of road kill deer I couldn't believe,not to mention the amount of live deer we saw everywhere.
Yea not surprised about Penn, we lost count at 25 I think on a 40 mile stretch
of highway. just blood and guts everywhere.
Darn, that was a nice looking buck.

A fellow that I know is in the two-legged export business. He's gone to a prison in PA to pick up "clients" during hunting season. During that time of the year, the deer move in to the fields around the prison, under the protection of the machine guns in the guard towers -- no hunting on prison grounds.
Grew up in rural PA. Hunted all the years I was legal. There's deer EVERYWHERE.

Every fall there'd be a story in the paper about how one night a deer wandered into 'downtown' and saw his reflection in a plate glass store front and attacked. Just ended up thru the glass and wrecking the store.

Amazingly, I think I'm the only person I know from the state that hasn't hit one in my car, but had many close calls. Saw one get hit by a chevy pickup directly in front of me doing 70.

Lots of people carry tire irons or handguns when traveling during the fall so they can finish off deer that are wounded.

And that's why we need hunting season, to keep the population in check, or more poor animals would die similar or worse deaths of starvations. It's called harvest. Most people here in MA don't understand this!!!

Yea not surprised about Penn, we lost count at 25 I think on a 40 mile stretch

I know exactly what you're talking about!!!
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