Winchester 97 Schematics

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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OK, so I've been looking all over the Net for one. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I can't find one.

I'm looking for some part, and I know what part I'm looking for, but I don't know the correct name so I can't order it...

If anyone knows where I can get one, I would really appreciate it...

C-pher said:
Yea, but that would be too easy. And I know the part, but I don't even know how to describe it.

Well.. you know what it does, yes? and where it goes, yes? I'm SURE they know their parts darlin. [lol]
Do a Google search for "Winchester Collectors" and you are likely to find a site that might have the schematics on it.

NRA used to sell books with the schematics of most popular pistols/rifles. This was back in the 1970s-1980s. Don't know if they still sell them or not.
just where does this part go?what does it do? i just put together a 1897 takedown from parts i got off e-bay and numrich.i never seen the insides untill then.i used the diagram out of the numrich catalog,what model is it?new or old?solid or takedown frame?i know one thing,there is a lot parts in one these shotguns.mabey i can help if you can describe where it goes. :D ed smith
Thanks edsmith:

It's a take down. Old, 1907. It's the part where the barrel screws into that has the part that locks into the frame. What I did was buy an original 30" modified barrel off ebay. And I was having a hard time getting the orignal 30" modified barrel out of that part.

I just figured that if I get another one of those parts, I can just use that to swap out the barrels and just use the same magazine tube and forarm.
c-pher, if your 1897 was made in 1907 it is a new model,the old models were made for only 2 years,the best way to tell is the ctg. stops, on the old mod. the stops are held in place with screws thru the sides of the receiver,the new mod. has small screws going up thru the bottom of the rec. on your barrel, i would soak it in a penatrating oil for a while then try to unscrew it, after a few days heat the adjusting sleeve and barrel extenion then try to screw it out,make sure the adjusting sleeve lock and screw is out.the barrel ext. is expensive,they run from $45 to $90 if you can find them. i found a good blow-up of the 97,to to the adjusting sleeve can be hard to get off,but keep at it. :D
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