Win. Mod. 70

May 1, 2015
East Central NH Lakes region
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I have a mod.70 that has a safety problem. When the safety is on in either position (on with bolt locked or on with bolt operable) If you touch the trigger you feel it move slightly. If you release the safety the gun goes off. In the position where you can open the bolt, if you open it and close it the gun goes off . It's a mid 80s vintage. 30-06 .A friend changed the firing pin but it didn't correct it. The trigger assembly looks good no sign of wear. Any help would be appreciated.
May be cheaper and yield better results to replace the trigger outright...

There are videos on YouTube showing the internals of the trigger, polishing points that can cause trouble if overdone, etc. The AGI video is short of info as it is intended to be a teaser for their training but it did hint that there is a fitting relationship between the sear and safety...
Has anyone done any home gunsmithing on it?
Those rifles are pretty bulletproof so to speak.
It takes a lot of rounds out of one before you see excessive wear on parts like sears.
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