Which of your guns do you shoot the most?

Lately it's been my Walther P22. I keep it in a small bag in my range bag complete with ammo and cleaning supplies so I always have it with me ready to go.
Only 2 guns go with me evary single time I head to the rnage, my Ruger 22/45 and my HK P9s. Just really enjoy those two.
I would have to say the currently I am shooting my bushy more than any of the other guns right now. the AK is in close second just cause its a fun gun.... But out of my hand guns my SW 6904 is a sure winner.
Probably my Glock 26, simply because it is too much money to shoot my Ruger .357 as much as I'd like to. Although once I get another case of 7.62 the AK might creep up on the list.
The AR15 gets the most workouts as I'm gearing up for my new match upper from White Oak Precision (when it gets here, that is)
As the Winter Matches in Pembroke are just around the corner, a close second place is shared between my Rem 700P and my Weihrauch 660.
The BP stuff and pistols have kinda gone into the back of the safe and haven't seem much light lately.
That would be my ParaOrdnance P12, hands down. I couldn't even guess which gun is second.

However, now that I've tried my new .44 Remington, I forsee much more Pyrodex in my future... Damn, that thing's fun!

And I will be taking my COP .357 to the range much more, just to see the look on the face of whoever is naive enough to ask to shoot it... Nickel shot 4 rounds out of it and just turned to me and winced and held his hand. [twisted] [twisted]

Moderator said:
Ross, we were talking about the COP the other day at the range (AFS) we all agreed that it's a sweet toy

Yeah, but it's a brute to fire with full power .357... I managed to shoot about 12 shots and just did NOT want to shoot any more than that.

dwarven1 said:
. Nickel shot 4 rounds out of it and just turned to me and winced and held his hand. [twisted] [twisted]


Yeah, tell them what I was using for ammo....... Winchester Silvertips.

It wasn't bad with 38 Wadcutters, though.

As for my favorite, it depends on what my latest acquisition is. Currently, I shoot the AK more. But, I'll wager I'll soon be shooting the Garand more.
I like to rotate my milsurps so they all get used. However my .45-70 Trapdoor and the .30-40 Krags get used the least because of the cost of ammo. It's ironic as these are the two I like to shoot the most !

I'd guess I'd have to say my carry gun get the most rounds thru it - my CS45.
Well, I spend most of my time punching paper with my US Model of 1903A1, and tipping over cans with my old .45s. Once in a while I practice with my carry piece, but the others are so much more fun to shoot. Shame on me.

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