Where to demo firearms before purchase...?

Jun 2, 2005
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I live in Quincy MA and will be purchasing my first handgun before the end of the summer.

I have been shooting rifles/shotguns for many years, but never got into handguns. I can't wait. However, it still stands that I'm a total newbie.

I've read many thread on various boards about pistols (I'm in the market for an auto-loader, no revolvers) and have formed opinions based on other peoples experiences as an aggregate. However, I want to form my own opinions and purchase the gun that's right for me.

So, my question is, where can I demo guns in MA that won't break the bank (like 25 bucks an hour for a lane + 10 bucks for gun + 15 bucks for ammo etc multiplied by 5 guns I demo)

BTW, I'm a member of a gun club that I can shoot at for free at any time.

Thanks for any input that you guys have to offer to a newbie!
I could be wrong, but I would assume any gun shop that also has an indoor range should have a few different makes the prospective buyer can try out.
Bob's Tactical on Rte. 1 in Salisnury, MA. Rental is $10 an hour for the lane, and renting a gun is $10 an hour (in addition), plus ammo and targets. You don't need to have a license to shoot there as you shoot on their license. You only need to be 21 or older, or, if under, with someone over the age of 21.

IIRC - their address is 90 Lafayette Rd in Salisbury (you can get directions from Mapquest or some such.

A number of folks from Boston come up there to shoot.
I haven't been in American Firearms in North Attleboro in several months. And I've heard that there were some changes, but I don't know what they are. But I know that they used to rent firearms. So that would be something to look into as well.

And like was said above. Check with members of your club. And I'm sure that if you ask nicely, we will also let you shoot some of what we have.

Hell, go over to the Classifieds. I have some up and you could shoot those if you're thinking about buying...I can't speak for the others on there. But they might let you do the same thing.
GPK007 (a member of this board) is third in command at American Firearms in N. Attleboro. Try sending him an email and see if there's anything he can do for you.
Sorry my computer is haunted

i have no idea why that happened. here's a recap

The Smith & Wesson retail store in SPringfield has a range. FOr $25 you can rent any gun they have including 50 rounds. If you buy a gun from they deduct the $25 from the price
Tony, gun shops with ranges are basically unheard of in this area.

The ones in Worcester, Salisbury and N. Attleboro are all that I'm aware of in MA. I only know of one in NH.

AFS did not have a very expansive collection of rental guns when I was there a few weeks ago. Hopefully that will change.

The best idea is your gun club. Most shooters will let other interested shooters try their guns and we don't charge for it.

I used to do business with a local home-based gun shop run by a FT PO who I was friendly with. I got to test-fire a few of the guns at the club we both belonged to, then I went back to the shop to do the paperwork. I was buying used guns, not new so this wasn't an issue.
I wasn't sure how that worked up there, Len, but I thought I'd throw it out. Our member here from AFS would probably be his best point of contact, I'd imagine. At least maybe steer him in the right direction.

What guns are you looking at buying? I'll bet that a good percentage of them are owned by folks on this forum, and as has been said already, most folks enjoy an "excuse" to shoot. Like C-pher, I also have something advertised in the classifieds - any time you want to test out a P-10, let me know! :-)

BTW - forgot to mention - Bob's in Salisbury also sell guns and you can try one out before you buy it (as long as it's not a new gun).
I'd be happy to meet you (or any other person interested, for that matter) at Bob's in Salisbury. I've got a wide variety of pistols available (more revolvers than semi-autos).


Wow. Thanks for all those responses, that was quick.

Great advice from everybody.

Jay G, thanks for the invite, and I just may take you up on it. I'm out of pocket for the weekend so not anytime soon, but you might get a line from me.

As far as guns I've looked at and concidered buying, well, they'll have to be under 450. Under that price is good. Here's list of things I've looked at:

Sig p229 - used for my high end price
Springfield XD
I was suggested a S&W 5906 9mm, and those can be had used for under 300
I'm not against trying Glocks either.
I don't have capacity restrictions, having a Class A (from Quincy! [shock])
If there's any suggestions on first centerfire handgun... let me know! The more info I have the better.

But like I said, this is all from reading posts and talking to people, I need to try these arms out myself, and now with all the advise I'm getting, I am sure I'll be able to! Thanks again, this forum is awesome!
I was at Bob's Tactical a week or so ago, for the same reason. The address is 90 Lafayette, Salisbury. The people there are great, but their rental selection is small: 1 .22 revolver, 1 .38/.375 revolver and 1 9mm Glock. They might be able to scrounge a couple more if asked. Their rental selection was much better before some bad laws came into effect about 10 years ago. Their prices are probably as low as you could possibly find. Make sure to rent the Glock--I'd never shot a Glock before, but it is Fun to shoot.

From what I remember of the American Firearms School (in Attleboro), their rental stock is: 2 .22 Ruger semi-automatics, 2 .38 revolvers, 1 9mm?.45?
(can't remember) semi-automatic. They might have more. They're pretty busy, though. Every time I've gone there (Saturdays) there are a lot out on rental.
Best bet it to meet someone at a range,that's how I fired a .50 cal and a M1 in the same day :)

Most folks(if not all) you meet at a range are more than willing to let you try out thier weapon.The best thing is they aren't trying to sell you the weapon,only giving you honest opinions.

Good luck!
John Jay said:
I was at Bob's Tactical a week or so ago, for the same reason. The address is 90 Lafayette, Salisbury. The people there are great, but their rental selection is small: 1 .22 revolver, 1 .38/.375 revolver and 1 9mm Glock. They might be able to scrounge a couple more if asked. Their rental selection was much better before some bad laws came into effect about 10 years ago. Their prices are probably as low as you could possibly find. Make sure to rent the Glock--I'd never shot a Glock before, but it is Fun to shoot.

From what I remember of the American Firearms School (in Attleboro), their rental stock is: 2 .22 Ruger semi-automatics, 2 .38 revolvers, 1 9mm?.45?
(can't remember) semi-automatic. They might have more. They're pretty busy, though. Every time I've gone there (Saturdays) there are a lot out on rental.

Bob's also has a semi-automatic Uzi for rent...

It's sad. When I first started going to Bob's in the late 1980s, they had several different Glocks, 38s, .44 Magnums, 1911s, and other assorted guns for rent. Their display counters were almost always packed full, with a wide variety of new and used guns. Nowadays, they're lucky to have one or two used handguns on a shelf...

Have I mentioned lately how much I despise this state?
Jay G said:
Bob's also has a semi-automatic Uzi for rent...

It's sad. When I first started going to Bob's in the late 1980s, they had several different Glocks, 38s, .44 Magnums, 1911s, and other assorted guns for rent. Their display counters were almost always packed full, with a wide variety of new and used guns. Nowadays, they're lucky to have one or two used handguns on a shelf...

Have I mentioned lately how much I despise this state?

Yeah, the full auto's fun to shoot, but it takes longer to load the mag that it does to shoot it. [lol] However, since Big Al's went out of business (in Seabrook), Frank got all his inventory. There's a lot more guns now (quite a few .22's and a number of other calibers in semi and a bunch of revolvers), however, Al's prices stayed the same. There's a few that are a bit steep iffn' you ask me.

I would suggest if you decide to go up to Bob's, you call first to make sure their open. 978-465-5561 They're open Sun - 12 to 6, Mon 10 to 9, Tues thru Sat 10 to 6ish. For now anyway.
I happened to be driving by Worcester today, and tried out the Boston Gun Range.

First the good news:
A very large selection of handguns. Probably 60+ different guns to rent. Shelves of gleaming revolvers and semi-autos. Lots of S&W, Sig, Glock and HK guns. There may be more exotic guns available, but I was just interested in the pistols.

Bad news:
Really, really expensive: $65 starting fee for the first 1/2 hour if you're a non-member. I think it's about $12 per half-hour after that. I rented 3 guns and shot 150 rounds: total cost $130. I found the price stratospheric but...this is MA so there isn't any competition to drive prices down, the selection WAS far better than to the other two rental ranges I've been to, and the guy gave me some one-on-one target training. (Sure, I sucked beforehand so maybe anyone could have helped me out, but the free tutorial was appreciated.) So, you may consider the price worth it. It might be particularly useful if you've narrowed your choice down to 2 or 3 guns and want to give them all a test drive before a final decision.

I did get some valuable info: the standard S&W 1911 became painful to shoot after a while--the grip and trigger were all sharp corners. The molded-rubber grip on the Sig P220 was much more comfortable. Also a .40 caliber gun might be more my speed than a .45. The kick of the .45 is pretty reassuring, tho...

Bob's Tactical: I did see the Uzi for rent. Wasn't what I was interested in at the time.
John Jay said:
Bad news:
Really, really expensive: $65 starting fee for the first 1/2 hour if you're a non-member.

Bob's Tactical: I did see the Uzi for rent. Wasn't what I was interested in at the time.

Yikes! That's expensive!!

The Uzi - it's on the shelf below the rental hand guns. - easy to miss is you don't look right at it.
Yeah, I know. I almost walked out when I heard the starting price. But, I'm never out in that direction with free time. I figured I was sacrificing for science.

Also, cash only (for rental at least--I don't know how they handle sales). There's an ATM on site, but it's one of those private ones: $1.50 fee, so you probably want to come with cash on hand. I guess the merchant got sick of paying the Visa service charge and decided to put that onus on the customer.
John Jay,

Interesting comments on the S&W 1911. I do have a few remarks on it for your consideration:

- They make a number of different variations, with different grips, perhaps different patterns on back/front straps as well.

- A short trigger should be considered unless you have huge hands. This is an easy installation and can be cheap or expensive depending on what sort of trigger you want. I opted for an $80 Castillo ball bearing trigger but $13 ones are also available.

- Sharp edges can be de-horned without much effort if this is a problem. My gun came stock with rubber grips, some other S&W 1911 variations come with wooden grips.

In June I ran ~700 rds thru my S&W 1911 in Randy Cain's course and only on the last day did the backstrap checkering start bothering my hand. Last week I ran ~800 rds thru it over 4 days in Gabe Suarez's courses and had no problems with sharp edges.

My message is do not be dissuaded from this gun if some simple, cheap or no cost work can solve the objections.
Ya...I find that interesting too, before I even made it home with my new S&W1911 I had already decided that it needed a curved backstrap and to get rid of that serrated trigger. Now, all is well. :)
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