Where to buy 32 sw long?

Nov 1, 2005
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Got a H & R 733 which uses 32 sw long. Saw some good internet sources for this ammo for $6.00 for 50. Becaues i live in MA buying ammo over the net is not permitted.

At the local gun store they want $18.00 for 50. Anybody know of a good source for this ammo? A friend sold me 27 bullets for $5.00 which all he had left after he got rid of his gun.

I would like to keep this gun, but I would like to shoot it as well.
Carl at FS should have some PMC or Federal 32SWL. Are you loking for wad cutter or round nose? Greg
Call Carl at the shop on Tuesday (closed Sun/Mon). Carl told me that he's much too busy to read and respond to Emails.

Contact info is posted in the Gun Dealers forum here, just use the Search function above.
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