I have no problem at all with a National CCW for police officers, however, I don't believe that it is a foot in the door for nation-wide reciprocity for civilians. I also think that it is a de facto way of nationalizing our local police departments. I don't really favor the death penalty because I remain unconvinced that it really is a deterrent and there have been enough studies that show it costs more to incarcerate an inmate on death row for the 10 to 20 years that he or she is going through the appellate process than it does to incarcerate an inmate for life. No, I don't believe that there should be a special class of people for whom the death penalty is reserved. That reminds me of days of old when the penalty for killing a noble was worse than killing a peasant.
What I do favor, though, are realistic sentences. Life imprisonment means exactly that and I do not favor indeterminate sentencing. I favor fixed terms. This country's penal system made a valiant attempt at rehabilitation in the 1970's and 1980's and it didn't work. I also favor the three strkes type law. Yeah, I know that there have been people who have gotten life sentences for stealing a pack of cigarettes, but, hey the law was explained to them before they decided to offend again. One of the reasons that crime is down is that we have so many people in prison now and as you know better than me approx 15 percent of the criminal population commit 80 percent of the crimes (different stats from different studies, of course, but I think I'm in the ballpark).
I'd legalize drugs and recognize drug addiction as a medical problem not a criminal justice problem. I'd also favor some kind of state monopoly on the sale of drugs (Your New Hampshire Liquor Stores are an example). While it is arguable that prostitution is not a victimless crime, I'd still legalize it. I'd also permit abortion.
This is not a panacea for the solution of all problems, but sometimes I think that the negative effects of what can be controlled, can be minimized.
I am not anti-law enforcement certainly, money that I earn from the crminal justice system supports my wife and myself, but I am not a "police buff" or more precisely a police synchophant, in other words I do what I do because I more or less fell into it, not because, like so many police synchophants, I couldn't pass the entrance exam or have enough juice to get on the Job. I remain unconvinced that the police are my friends as an institution. The function of the police is to provide collective security and law enforcement for society and the state, in my opinion.
So, that's more than what you asked...but that's pretty much it.
Stay safe,