What would you do if you were in the store with your family?


NES Member
Aug 24, 2005
RETIRED, at home or wherever I want to be
Feedback: 14 / 0 / 0

(Charleston) - Two young people have been arrested and charged with holding up a Charleston video store.

A nine-year-old boy with them was also taken into custody but was not charged. He was released to his mother.

Officials say a 14-year-old girl and 12-year-old boy are charged as juveniles with robbing the store Wednesday night, using a B.B. gun.

None of the youngsters' names have been released.

Charleston County school spokesman Jerry Adams says all three children have been suspended and will probably be recommended for expulsion from school.
Had I not been able to ID the gun as a BB gun I probably would have backed my boys in to the corner and made a good witness. Multiple BG's makes for one hell of a mess if you can't identify them all.
IMO if I'm far enough away to not draw their attention, I'd try to seek a rear exit and get hell out of dodge. Most strip mallish type buildings have
at least one rear egress point, eg an employee/stocking area, etc.

The only upside to most robberies like that is the perps -usually- don't
hurt anyone, but I'm generally not going to count on that.

why should they be expelled from school. this didn't happen at school. did I miss something?

It doesnt matter. There have been numerous court decisions saying that
schools can do whatever they want WRT a students behavior outside of
school. The system is probably doing it as an ass covering measure because
they don't want these juvenile assclowns in their system.

These kids have no idea what they've done to their future with something like this on their record.....it's too bad.....
Unless I'm mistaken, doesn't a juveniles record get locked down once they reach 18 and it's not subject to scruteny?

Well, it must be different from an underage driving record then. I have friends who got denied the LTC because of a dui under 18.
If I had been there with family in tow? Found a spot That afforded me a bit of cover where I could keep my family safe, a place where I could keep an eye on the happenings and I would have kept my side arm in its holster until such time that we were threatened directly.

I'm not a cop and I'm not going to try to stop an armed robbery.
Well, it must be different from an underage driving record then. I have friends who got denied the LTC because of a dui under 18.
A friend who is now deceased tried to join the marines I told him he'd be denied because of a drug conviction at 16 yrs old he thouht the same told him "we're talking the US Govt here they see what they want to see otherwise that grant for "X" just disappeared for lack of funds " 3 days later he was denied enrollment because of a drug conviction
Personally, I'd draw and get my family out the back or as far from the BG's as possible.

I agree with Hamar, I would'nt try to stop a robbery in progress.
A friend who is now deceased tried to join the marines I told him he'd be denied because of a drug conviction at 16 yrs old he thouht the same told him "we're talking the US Govt here they see what they want to see otherwise that grant for "X" just disappeared for lack of funds " 3 days later he was denied enrollment because of a drug conviction

Yet if we ever turned to having a draft, I bet he'd get a letter.
If you are able to identify the gun as a bb gun and take it with force you could be charged with assault on a minor.[rolleyes]

yup... and god forbid you did not ID the gun as a bb gun, drew your own weapon in defence and the stupid little shit fired at you causing you to return fire... olny your rounds kill the little retard.

situation like that... best course of action is none unless someone is in immediate threat of death.

but yeah... MA would charge you with A&B on a minor regardless.
I agree, I would just move out of the way and do what I can to remember what I see...

Now, if I knew without a doubt that it was a bb gun. I might start yelling at them asking them what in the hell they were doing?

I'm sure that it was disrpt the robbery and they would run...I'm guessing as scared little shits... As they know that it's just a bb gun and someone actually stood up to them.
Step 1: Protect my family.

Step 2: See Step 1.

Now, if I were armed with no means of escape, and the perps started getting rid of potential witnesses, then it'd be open season. If I'm going down, I'm going down fighting.

Do whatever is necessary to end the threat. See Step 1.
Now, if I were unarmed, due to my being a disarmed,law-abiding subject of Meninostan, Step 1 remains unchanged.

Step 2 - Find a weapon.

Will pepper spray and a folding knife be sufficient to save my family from harm? Or would I be better served bludgeoning the perp with the Twinkies rack?

What's on the store shelves that I could use?

Why did I leave my anti-crime plastic whistle at home?

I would hope my inner MacGyver would take over and I'd put together a flash grenade of sorts from a box of Blue Tip matches, a can of Raid, and a bungee cord.
Now, if I were unarmed, due to my being a disarmed,law-abiding subject of Meninostan, Step 1 remains unchanged.

Step 2 - Find a weapon.

Will pepper spray and a folding knife be sufficient to save my family from harm? Or would I be better served bludgeoning the perp with the Twinkies rack?

What's on the store shelves that I could use?

Why did I leave my anti-crime plastic whistle at home?

I would hope my inner MacGyver would take over and I'd put together a flash grenade of sorts from a box of Blue Tip matches, a can of Raid, and a bungee cord.

[rofl] [rofl] I lost it at the "Why did I leave my anti-crime plastic whistle at home?" [rofl] [rofl]

But the "inner MacGyver" [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
'Ban on assault weapons. Provides that the manufacture, importation, sale, or possession of ammunition for a machine gun, an automatic weapon, or a semiautomatic weapon is a Class C felony. ....."

Includes ammo for semi automatic weapons. That covers about 1/2 or more of all ammo. Goodby 9mm, .45 and lots more.


It's Indiana. That bill has about a snowball's chance in hell of making out of committee.
The link shows that to be something from 2003 - likely pushing up daisies by now, just as the person who wrote that POS should be.

.22 ammo banned as "assault weapon" ammo. Sounds like Massachusetts-style "common sense" to me.

.22 Walmart bulk pack- ASSAULT ammo.

.357 magnum JHP's- SPORTSMEN'S ammo.

Buncha ding-dongs.
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