What the hell was up with today?


NES Member
Apr 27, 2005
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I know I had a sh*ty day. From the second I walked into work (6:00a.m.) untill I left. One of my dads partners was all over me. And there were 3 other people who don't work with me that said the same thing. What was up with today? Not that I wish anyone a bad day, but lets bitch about it. Who else wanted to hand out jackass of the year awards.

Or was I alone :?
Probably people were still ticked off that Randy Johnson shut down the Red Sux on Sunday. Kinda hard to get over that kinda whuppin'.
I could have handed out a couple awards today to two drivers. [roll] One nearly creamed me in the passengers side. Both of them were on their cell phones and never even looked in my direction. Other than that, it wasn't a bad day, but then again, I'm out of work and Ed's on vaca this week. :D

I could have used the kitty in the co-pilot seat with the semi auto. :D
I don't konw, I had a pretty good day yesterday. Except for a couple of my users have stupid moments...but that's everyday.

I had a good day.

Hell, I even got a call from a lady in Littleton telling me that she can make me a deal on a hat and that if I can get there by 5, she'll stretch it for me and custom fit it to my head.

I really like it...I'll post picturs after my shoot on Saturday.
Lynne said:
I could have handed out a couple awards today to two drivers. [roll] One nearly creamed me in the passengers side. Both of them were on their cell phones and never even looked in my direction. Other than that, it wasn't a bad day, but then again, I'm out of work and Ed's on vaca this week. :D

I could have used the kitty in the co-pilot seat with the semi auto. :D

I got T-boned Sun in Bellingham, Driving my girlfriends car. She just got it a few months ago. Brand new Nissan ebery possible option. felt bad for the girl who hit me though, 17 just got her DL. She was crying and all.
Moderator said:
Lynne said:
I could have handed out a couple awards today to two drivers. [roll] One nearly creamed me in the passengers side. Both of them were on their cell phones and never even looked in my direction. Other than that, it wasn't a bad day, but then again, I'm out of work and Ed's on vaca this week. :D

I could have used the kitty in the co-pilot seat with the semi auto. :D

I got T-boned Sun in Bellingham, Driving my girlfriends car. She just got it a few months ago. Brand new Nissan ebery possible option. felt bad for the girl who hit me though, 17 just got her DL. She was crying and all.

Man, I know that feeling. Well kind of. My wife just had bought a brand new Civic. Three months into it...she hits a 210 poung 12 point buck and 75 mph. She was fine. A small burn on her face from the air bag. Hole right in the glass in front of her from the antler. Freaked me out when she called me from her cell. Car Totaled. We ended up owing 1800 bucks for the depreaction... Damn Insurance. We now carry Gap Insurance in all our cars.
C-pher said:
Man, I know that feeling. Well kind of. My wife just had bought a brand new Civic. Three months into it...she hits a 210 poung 12 point buck and 75 mph. She was fine. A small burn on her face from the air bag. Hole right in the glass in front of her from the antler. Freaked me out when she called me from her cell. Car Totaled. We ended up owing 1800 bucks for the depreaction... Damn Insurance. We now carry Gap Insurance in all our cars.

Damned hooved rats will do it every time. At least your wife is OK!

BTW, what is Gap Insurance? some kind of rider to make up thedifference between the cost of the depreciated vehicle and a new one?
Yea, it's so if something like this happens, and you were to end up owing more on your loan vs. the price of the car. Then this will make up the difference between the value of your car, and the remaining amount on the loan.

It's really only good for the first two or so years (depending on the time of your loan) where you may owe more than the value of the car. I believe that they just put in in the with the car payment, so you don't even know it's there.
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