What do you put your safe on? pallet, bare floor, etc???

Dec 13, 2005
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I'm in the process of buying a new large gun safe and wanted to know what people are stacking their safes on. I will be storing it in my basement which is unfinished so it will be on concreate. The salesman told me to either keep it on the pallet or put it on some 4x4's. I'm guessing there is a better option. I'm spending some extra money to get a safe that has a nice finish on it and don't want it to be sitting on a pallet. I would think I could put it on some type of rubber mat or something similiar. Worst case senario is that I could get the 4x4's and paint them so it doesn't stand out.

If you are putting it in the basement I would definately put it on 2x4s or 4x4s just to keep it off the floor trim the 4x4s with a sanded plywood 1/4" thick and paint it the same color or close to that of the safe.
If you are putting it in the basement I would definately put it on 2x4s or 4x4s just to keep it off the floor trim the 4x4s with a sanded plywood 1/4" thick and paint it the same color or close to that of the safe.

Very good idea and will look nice too.
Another safe hint - Many gun safes come with a 1/4# hole pre-drilled for the golden rod. While it's tempting to cut off the plug for the golden rod, run the cord and add another plug - don't do it. Get an extension cord with a 3 outlet head, cut the plug off that and run it through the hold before adding a new plug.

This will give you outlets in the safe for the goldenrod or lights - either present items or items you may add later (when it would be very inconvenient to move the safe to thread a different power cord).
If you are putting it in the basement I would definately put it on 2x4s or 4x4s just to keep it off the floor trim the 4x4s with a sanded plywood 1/4" thick and paint it the same color or close to that of the safe.
Good idea. I've lost a lot of items over the years due to moisture rising through concrete floors in basements. The moisture rises through capillary action and causes mildew, discoloration, premature rusting, and whatnot. I've never painted a floor to see how that might mitigate the referred-to moisture problem. Nonetheless, painting the floor wouldn't stop water damage resulting from other problems like water heater blow-outs and flooding from excessive rain. Now, everything of any value in our basement is raised off the floor by, at minimum, two-by-fours.
I would recomend using composite lumber to raise it off the floor. The new pressure treated lumber may corrode the paint. You can buy it in 4x4 sections to raise it up high enough to clean under it.
You could also use red cedar instead of composite lumber, it's naturally decay resistant.

A tip O' the Stetson to Rob_Boudrie for the 3 outlet extension cord idea !
Mine's directly on the floor, bolted to the concrete. There are holes in the floor of the safe particularly for this purpose.

I'm not concerned about the bottom of the safe rusting. I run a dehumidifier in the basement.
I ended up leaving my safe on the pallet it came with when it was delivered. It's solid, painted black and already fitted for the safe. I figure it's in my unfinished basement, so I'm not as worried about how it looks. Even though, it's not an eye sore, which is a good thing
I've been working on my gun room for the past week or so. I decided to put some linolium down on the floor to make it a little nicer. What I decided to do was get the 4x4's and mount them to a piece of plywood and then cover 4x4's with the same linolium I'm covering this part of the floor with. It will give the appearance of being on a step and will blend in much better than my other ideas. I can't wait to get this setup all complete. I'll post pictures when I'm done.

I built a riser for my safe outa left over 2x4s and 1/2 inch plywood, At the time my work recarpted one side of the store and we had large left overs that were thrown out so I grabed them and carpted the riser.The only thing it cost me was some of my time.
sorry I took so long

Pistol Pete. Sorry I haven't been in contact. The women I told you about was out of state and just returned today, (Sunday). If you are still interested in what we talked about, drop me a PM. I can get measurements and pictures tomorrow.

Bill / depicts
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