What a Guy!

Being that this is a family forum, I'll refrain from typing what is coming out of my mouth. That lying ba$tard make me want to
Just another delusional MORON that thinks that somehow he'll be exempt from getting rid of his firearms when they're ALL banned. A total ban is not going to happen anyways, there'll be a civil war FIRST, and which side is ARMED?

Some of my "friends" that are die hard Democrats have said they'd start a revolution if Bush got reelected. My reply? "WITH WHAT, WE OWN ALL THE GUNS"
Rosenthal says. “Our policies are so reasonable to the average gun owner, that they’re threatened; until now, it’s been a one-sided debate. The NRA is the terrorist’s best friend. They’re the criminal’s best friend. They’re the total enemy to common sense and safe parenting, frankly—yet they control Congress.”

Is this guy stupid? NRA has some really good gun safety courses for children.

And reasonable to the average gun owner? What are we? I would think that we're the average gun owners. And this guy is a moron.

C-pher said:
Is this guy stupid? NRA has some really good gun safety courses for children.

And reasonable to the average gun owner? What are we? I would think that we're the average gun owners. And this guy is a moron.

He's nothing more than a wolf in sheeps clothing. Just like Kerry trying to look like the gun owners best friend when he went "hunting" or Hillary trying to look moderate.
Marcus in the Darkus said:
Hmmm...checked out the site http://www.stophandgunviolence.org/ and almost threw up. I'm thinking of maybe going undercover, doing some volunteer work there, find out what makes these people tick, find their Achilles heel.

Well, hell, at least we're not in Florida where they can look up your name to see if you have a carry permit, so go for it! I suspect that you'll find that their Achilles heel is that they have an infinite capacity for self-delusion
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